The winners of the 2015 Army Photographic Competition have been announced during a ceremony held at the Royal Hospital Chelsea. The annual competition highlights the work of professional and amateur British Army photographers. Sergeant Rupert Frere, who transferred from a role in bomb disposal to become a photographer in the Royal Logistic Corps (RLC), won no fewer than five of the professional categories.
Best overall professional image: How can you forget to shave? by Sgt Rupert Frere RLC – Former Garrison Sergeant Major, The Household Division and London District, WO1 William Mott OBE MVO inspects Nijmegen Company Grenadier Guards. He is not impressedSgt Rupert Frere RLC/MODProfessional portfolio winner: Sgt Rupert Frere RLC – Sword DanceSgt Rupert Frere RLC/MODProfessional portfolio winner: Sgt Rupert Frere RLC – The Prince of Wales takes a Royal Salute from the Household Cavalry Regiment in front of Buckingham Palace, following the last dress rehearsal before the Queen's Birthday Parade.Sgt Rupert Frere RLC/MODProfessional portfolio winner: Sgt Rupert Frere RLC – Knobbly Knees. WWII Veterans read the programme for the VE Day Service ahead of the ceremonySgt Rupert Frere RLC/MODProfessional sport, winner: Sgt Rupert Frere RLC – Surf's UpSgt Rupert Frere RLC/MOD
A new category was introduced this year to reflect the professional photographers' work in Afghanistan during a decade of Operation Herrick. Frere's portfolio was judged the best, and he also claimed the best Op Herrick portrait and runner-up Op Herrick portfolio with images from three separate tours of duty in Afghanistan.
Frere said: "I spent three tours on Op Herrick from 2009 to 2012-13. I had lots of friends there and unfortunately lost some friends there, too. So, to have these images that remind people of what we went through out there, it means a lot to me, personally, that they've chosen my photos."
Best overall professional Operation Herrick image: Black Watch Soldier by Sgt Rupert Frere RLC – Private John Mitchell rests in the early dawn after patrolling through the nightSgt Rupert Frere RLC/MODBest overall professional Operation Herrick image, Highly Commended: Boy Soldier by Sgt Rupert Frere RLC – Fusilier John Bryant, an 18-year-old soldier from A Company, The Royal Highland Fusiliers, 2nd Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland, in the muddy compound where he lives in Hlemand Province, AfghanistanSgt Rupert Frere RLC/MODRunner-up, best professional Operation Herrick portfolio: Sgt Rupert Frere – Re-SupplySgt Rupert Frere RLC/MODWinner, best professional Operation Herrick portfolio: Sgt Rupert Frere RLCSgt Rupert Frere RLC/MODWinner, best professional Operation Herrick portfolio: Sgt Rupert Frere RLCSgt Rupert Frere RLC/MODWinner, best professional Operation Herrick portfolio: Sgt Rupert Frere RLCSgt Rupert Frere RLC/MOD
The best professional portrait award went to 30-year-old Corporal Paul Shaw, RLC, for his image of Sgt John S Kabia a Sierra Leonean soldier, taken during the height of the Ebola crisis. Shaw, who deployed as a member of a Combat Camera Team, said: "I'm pretty chuffed to win, especially as it was the first portrait I took in Sierra Leone. A lot of these guys have been in the army out there their whole life, and will have lived and served and probably fought through the civil war they had. Who knows what they've been through? They sit there and stare into that lens with everything they've got because they're not hiding anything."
Professional portrait, winner: Sergeant John S Kabia by Cpl Paul Shaw RLCCpl Paul Shaw RLC/MOD
The Amateur Portrait Category was won by Private Rebecca Brown, a Combat Medical Technician of 4 Armoured Medical Regiment, based at Aldershot. Her image of a father holding a photograph of his eldest son holding a photograph of his younger brother was judged the best image. "It's amazing to win. It's a big shock," said Rebecca.
Amateur portrait category, winner: Me and my Boys - by Private Rebecca Brown – Cpl Dave Johns of the Royal Logistic Corps holds a picture of his eldest son holding a photo of his younger brother who are both serving in the Army CadetsPrivate Rebecca Brown/MOD
Command Master Photographer WO1 Will Craig said: "As the organiser of the Army Photographic Competition this year I am very pleased with the high standard of entries showing a diverse range of soldiers doing their day-to-day jobs." IBTimes UK shares some of the winning images.
Amateur portfolio winner: Bombadier Murray Kerr – Horns of JerichoBdr Murray Kerr RA/MODAmateur portfolio winner: Bombadier Murray Kerr – The Old GuardBdr Murray Kerr RA/MODAmateur soldiering category winner: Take Cover, by Lance Corporal Paul-Rui Penu, from 29 Regt Royal Logistic CorpsPaul-Rui Penu RLC/MODAmateur portfolio, runner-up: Major Andrew Whitehead-Hughes, Waiting GameMajor Andrew Whitehead-Hughes/MODAmateur portrait category, runner-up: Private Thaman by Lance Corporal Paul-Rui PenuLance Corporal Paul-Rui Penu RLC/MODAmateur portfolio winner: Bombadier Murray Kerr – The Passback (British Army Rugby Team play Glasgow Warriors, Scotstoun Stadium, Glasgow 25 Sept 2015)Bdr Murray Kerr RA/MODProfessional soldiering category, runner-up: Mortar at Night by Cpl James McAllister RLCCpl James McAllister RLC/MOD