Several inches of snow cover a bicycle in FlagstaffReuters
Several inches of snow cover a bicycle in FlagstaffReutersSeveral inches of snow cover a house and its surroundings in FlagstaffReutersFirefighters and police officers stand near a pick-up truck that rolled on its side after the driver lost control along Interstate-17 in Yavapai CountyReutersSnow blankets two cars after a winter storm in FlagstaffReutersSnow blankets a pick-up truck and a house after a winter storm in FlagstaffReutersMotorists travel westbound along Interstate 40 after several inches of snow fell during a winter storm in Flagstaff, ArizonaReutersRose Houk cross-country skies through Thorpe Park as several inches of snow cover the ground in FlagstaffReutersChildren cross the Batllava Lake to go to school in Kosovo's village of OrllanReutersA child crossing the lake of Batllava to go to school poses for a photo in Kosovo's village of OrllanReuters
What defines the beauty of winter? Which is more beautiful?
Would you rather enjoy snow-clad mountains or the freshness of the winter breath? Would you rather trek through snow-blocked roads or sit down by your vehicle and enjoy the splendour of winter? Are you more entranced by the emptiness of winter or the fullness of the snow?
Europe has suffered a rather severe winter this season. We've seen blocked roads, affected economies and even people falling ill. However, nothing has stopped the nature lover in all of us from admiring the dexterity of Mother Nature and her snowy creations.
A look at the most beautiful winter pictures of all time...