British tourist battered bloody by angry cow after she 'stupidly' raps Black Eyed Peas to the animal
Mellisa Meville was charged at by a huge cow as she was walking back to her hotel in Rajasthan, western India.

A British tourist was attacked by an angry cow in western India while she was walking back to her hotel recently. Mellisa Meville, from the Isle of Wight, was charged at by the huge cow after she had just sung the rap song My Humps by Black Eyed Peas to the animal.
Meville, who has been travelling around India since November 2017, was left with injuries to her face, shoulder and knees after the attack on 15 February.
The 25-year-old British traveller spoke about her scary experience to Mail Online. She recalled: "I saw this huge cow with a big hump so I stupidly started singing this song. As I was walking past the cow it suddenly lunged at me and head-butted me."
She continued: "The impact of the hit was so strong that I went flying in the air before landing on the ground and injuring my knees. My face and shoulder was badly cut. I never expected a cow could hurt me so badly. I guess she was in a really bad mood. There was so much blood on me."
She goes on to call it a painful yet funny experience. "It was quite a funny experience. I'm in pain and it's quite annoying but still quite funny."
Mellisa was spotted lying on the road by locals, who picked her up and rushed her to a nearby hospital. "I was in hospital within five minutes with the help of locals passing. I'm thankful I was given immediate treatment."
Kailash Chandra Meena, district magistrate of Jaisalmer city, condemned the attack and said: "We are trying to control the strays in the city. The situation was controlled a while back but now suddenly we have started witnessing more strays on the streets as animal shelter homes have started setting these animals free on the roads again.
"We are working on the problem so that such incidents do not happen," Chandra Meena added.