Captain America Civil War: Tom Holland's youthful Spider-Man is a smash hit

Spider-Man's standalone movie, Homecoming, Captain America Civil War sowed the seeds for a refreshing, young, and full-of-spark superhero. The young, tech-nerd Peter Parker is revived in his full glory. Not only is the new web-slinging hero a fresh offering of Marvel's Cinematic Universe, but also a successful one. Here's all that you need to know about the new age Spider-Man and how Marvel is creating a Universe for the inter-connected line of superhero feats.
Warning: this article has major spoilers for the Captain America Civil War movie.
It is official. Spider-Man is now a part of the MCU and has wowed the audience with his first look in the Captain America movie. In a cameo role, Holland's portrayal of Spider-Man highlights notable differences from the previous versions of the web-casting superhero in the hands of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield. While fans still need to await the arrival of Homecoming to learn the new Peter Parker's backstory, it's no secret that Marvel won't make the audience sit through the same old narration of Spider-Man's origin.
Perhaps one of the reasons why the new Peter Parker has lived up to the comic book's readers' expectations is because Marvel has the advantage over Sony to introduce its entire spectrum of superheroes within a single narrative. This has a lot to do with the casting of the web-crawler too, in fact, for the first time an actual teenager – Tom Holland – is playing Marvel's almost original teen superhero.
Even from the plot's point-of-view, where the geek Peter Parker had to struggle between his school life and his newly assumed duties as the city's saviour – in red and blue pajamas – the new Spider-Man achieves a fine balance. Simultaneously possessing both the enthusiasm of a bright-eyed teen hero and being in awe of the powers of the people he is fighting lends director brothers Russo's Spider-Man the charm of youth.
"You have a metal arm!" Spider-Man says to the Winter Soldier, "That's so cool!"
A possible mentor-mentee relationship can be anticipated between Tony Stark and Peter Parker as the latter heads to Parker's crowded Queen's apartment to include Spider-Man in Team Iron Man. The notable change, though, would be Aunt May, who's portrayed much younger than her previous iterations making Stark comment that she is "surprisingly attractive."
Despite being introduced to the adult world of superheroes fighting crime, Holland plays Spider-Man with youthful charisma. When faced with the dilemma of joining the fight against Captain America, his first concerns are a math test and being grounded by Aunt May. Perhaps this teenage-drawn energy and chill in the face of fear is what makes Marvel's Spider-Man as close to the comic books as possible.
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