Illegal immigrant fathered teenage stepdaughter's child in attempt to remain in the US
Horacio Alvarado's attempts failed in October when the victim, now 22, came forward and alleged that her stepfather had repeatedly abused her.

In a shocking incident, an undocumented immigrant allegedly sexually assaulted and impregnated his teenage stepdaughter in an unsuccessful attempt to stay on in the US.
Horacio Alvarado had allegedly fathered his then 15-year-old stepdaughter's child in a misguided effort to remain in the US. The 32-year-old thought that if he showed that he was the father of a newborn American citizen, he would be allowed to remain in the country. He also went for a paternity test believing it would help him, The Daily Mail reported.
Alvarado apparently believed in the Anchor Baby myth, which says that a child born in the US might protect their illegal immigrant parents from deportation. But this is not the truth, even when the birth is not itself the result of a felony sexual assault, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.
Alvarado's attempts failed in October when the victim, now 22, came forward and alleged that his stepfather had repeatedly abused her as a teenager. She added that her ordeal started when she was 14 and continued until she turned 18.
The woman told authorities that Alvarado used to rape her on average three times a week and continued even after she gave birth to his child in 2012. As per her complaint, the alleged assault took place when her mother, Linda Alvarado, was at work or sleeping late at night. The complaint also states that the victim's mother had once seen the accused assaulting the girl, but did nothing to stop the rape.
The victim said that no one knows about her child's father, except her mother. The complaint, however, doesn't specify when the girl told her mother about the child's paternity, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.
Alvarado was arrested and charged last month with first-degree sexual assault resulting in pregnancy, repeated sexual assault of a child and incest. He has pleaded not guilty and is being held at Milwaukee County Jail on $20,000 (£15,148) bail.
His wife and the girl's mother, Linda, has also been charged with child neglect. She was released on a $500 bond.