Krishi Unnati Mela: Everything worth knowing about agricultural event inaugurated by Narendra Modi

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to inaugurate the three-day agriculture and technology 'Krishi Unnati Mela' on 19 March. The event is due to take place at the Pusa campus in the national capital of New Delhi.
The mela (fair) is being organised by the Agriculture Ministry in an attempt to provide information on new farm schemes and technology for farmers. The hope is that the show will help them double their income in the next few years.
India's Agriculture Minister, Radha Mohan Singh, told local media: "To reach out to farmers at the block level across the country, the whole event would be telecast live at block panchayat level for the first time."
IBTimes UK rounds up everything you need to know about the Krishi Unnati Mela.
What is the Krishi Unnati Mela?
The event is being organised in order to equip farmers and agri-entrepreneurs with the right technology, access to markets, finance and risk mitigation tools and to help them earn better incomes for the world that they do for India's agricultural industry.
The Mela is expected to bring together a large number of farmers, scientists, policymakers and other stakeholders to engage in discussion, as well as participate in activities such as live demonstrations of different crops, highlight the success stories of farmers, and allow interaction between farmers and scientists in their local languages.
In an attempt not to marginalise anyone, organisers are live-streaming the event to thousands of stakeholders and farmers who cannot be physically present. The live stream will be available in a number of different regional languages.
The Krishi Unnati Mela is being organised by the Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, alongside the Indian Agricultural Research Institute.
What is happening over the three-day event?
Day One: 19 March 2016
1pm to 3pm: Inaugural Session (Main Hall)
3.30pm to 5.45pm: Technical Session I: Pradhan Mantri Fasl Beena Yogna (Main Hall)
6pm to 7.30pm: Cultural Programme (Main Hall)
Day Two: 20 March 2016
10am to 1.30pm: Technical Session II: Farmer – Scientist Interaction (Main Hall)
Technical Session III: Integrated Farming System – Crop-Livestock (Hall 1)
Technical Session IV: Processing and Value Addition (Hall 2)
2.30pm to 5.45pm: Technical Session V: Integrating Farming System – Horticulture and Fisheries (Main Hall)
Technical Session VI: Agricultural Marketing (Hall 1)
Technical Session VII: PM Fasal Beema Yojna (Hall 2)
6pm to 7.30pm: Cultural Programme (Main Hall)
Day Three: 21 March 2016
10am to 1.30pm: Technical Session VIII: Innovation Farmers Meet (Main Hall)
Technical Session IX: Crop and Soil Health (Hall 1)
Technical Session X: Crop Residues (Hall 2)
2.30m to 5.45pm: Valedictory Function (Main Hall)
What are some of the event highlights?
- Display of, and direct access to, the latest technologies and government initiatives
- Theme specific conferences and seminars, along with interaction with farmers
- Farmer–seller meet
- Live demonstrations
- Success stories of farmers
- Participation by millions of farmers directly and through webcast
- Krishi Karman Awards recognising the best performing states and farmers
- Cultural events
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