Marine Le Pen: Furious Front National leader tweets graphic Isis execution pics after Daesh comparison

The leader of France's far-right Front National (FN), Marine Le Pen, has replied to a radio host who she accused of comparing her party to Islamic State (Isis), tweeting graphic pictures of Daesh (IS) executions of hostages.
Le Pen said Jean-Jacques Bourdin, journalist at talk radio station RMC, drew a "unacceptable" parallel between the jihadist group and the right-wing party. "He has to withdraw his disgusting comments," she tweeted:
Le parallèle fait ce matin par @JJBourdin_RMC entre #Daech et le #FN est un dérapage inacceptable. Il doit retirer ses propos immondes ! MLP
— Marine Le Pen (@MLP_officiel) December 16, 2015
She then replied to the radio host by posting three graphic pictures of orange-clad hostages being run over by an IS tank, burnt alive in a cage and beheaded with the comment: "THAT is Daesh".
Bourdin, who was in a talk with Arab specialist Gilles Kepel, said: "I would like to address the links between Daesh and the Front...well not direct links between Daesh and the Front National, but rather this isolationism that ultimately is a community spirit... because the aim for Daesh is to push the French society to isolationism".
Le Pen has also urged her supporters to contact RMC to tell what they think about the IS/FN comparison.
But her graphic tweets were denounced by political opponents. French prime minister Manuel Valls called the pictures "monstrous" and said Le Pen was lacking respect for victims.
The FN leader had previously been acquitted of inciting hatred after she compared Muslim street prayers to the Nazi occupation. She went on trial in Lyon after four human rights groups sued her on charges of "incitement to discrimination, violence or hatred towards a group of people on the basis of their religion".
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