Miley Cyrus
Miley was making fun of Sweetin's character Stephanie Tanner from the iconic TV series Full House (In photo: Miley Cyrus) REUTERS/Steve Marcus

Miley Cyrus fans are outraged after the Wrecking Ball singer posted raunchy photos of Fuller House actress Jodie Sweetin on Instagram on 4 March. But a source close to the singer says Miley was "not trying to upset Sweetin" with the photos, believed to have been taken when the actress was battling drug and alcohol abuse, which she had revealed in her memoir titled unSweetined in 2009.

The source told HollywoodLife that Miley was making fun of Sweetin's character Stephanie Tanner from the iconic TV series Full House. "Miley didn't mean to cause any harm with her Jodie Sweetin post, she was just having a bit of fun," a source said. "She sexualizes everything, and she wasn't poking fun at Jodie's drug use or anything like that," the source said.

"Miley's actually been watching the new Fuller House, so that's what made her think of it. She didn't feel it was inappropriate," the source said. "She [Miley Cyrus] actually felt that Jodie was showing off her sexier side in the pics being normally so wholesome in the show," the source added.

"There was no malice behind it, nor does she [Miley Cyrus] want to create a feud," the source said. "She [Miley Cyrus] would never poke fun at someone's addiction problems or substance abuse," the source added.

Miley, 23, had shared the photos on Instagram on 4 March with the caption: Current Mood #fullerhouse, which saw Sweetin seated on the lap of an unidentified man, wearing a loose low cut tank top with purple pants.

"You know this would get headlines and she's a mother. Just want to humiliate someone,' one Instagram user wrote, according to Daily Mail.

"Not really funny... she was a drug addict and in a really bad place. She turned her life around and is well now. No need for you to bring this back..." another fan said.

"And the Miley Cyrus bar has been lowered again," said another follower.