Oxfam accused of cover up by redacting aid worker names in Haiti scandal
The report also found that three members threatened a colleague into silence.
Oxfam has faced further criticism after it released a report into the Haiti sexual abuse scandal but redacted the names of the aid workers involved.
The report from 2011 was released on Sunday night (18 February) and describes how the charity interviewed 40 witnesses.
The charity said it wanted to be as "transparent as possible" but it redacted the names of the 10 people who had been investigated apart from the director in Haiti, Roland van Hauwermeiren.
The document outlined details of four dismissals and three resignations and that concerns that underage sex workers had been victims "cannot be ruled out".
It also uncovered the use of pornography, and the intimidation of witnesses and that van Hauwermeiren was treated leniently so as not to harm Oxfam's reputation.
Howver it redacted the names of three men who were dismissed for using prostitutes and two who left because they bullied Oxfam staff. Another was fired for failing to protect staff.
Tory MP Andrew Bridgen said: "Transparency is always the best disinfectant, and this is not transparency. Oxfam have lost the public's trust, and actions such as this will not help to restore it."
It is understood that the names of the perpetrators will be made available to Haiti officials.
Earlier, Scottish Tory leader Ruth Davidson called on Oxfam boss Mark Goldring to step down, after his comments complaining about the coverage the charity was getting and that it was not as if aid workers had "murdered babies in their cots".
International development secretary Penny Mordaunt said government funding for Oxfam was stopped until it improved its standards.