Photo Gallery: Iraq's Yazidi Kurds at Their Holiest Site, Lalesh Temple
A group of between 10,000 and 50,000 Yazidi Kurds are trapped on Mount Sinjar in northwestern Iraq without food or water. The Yazidis are an ancient community, concentrated in northwestern Iraq but also found in Iran, Syria and Turkey.

Their religion is thought to have been founded in the 11th century and is derived from the ancient Persian faith of Zoroastrianism. They also take elements from Christianity and Islam, such as baptism and circumcision. They revere both the Bible and the Koran, but much of their own tradition is oral. One cannot convert to Yazidism, only be born into it.
Yazidis believe God created the world and placed it into the care of seven angels, the main one being named Malak Tawous. Embodied on Earth by a peacock, Malak Tawous was thrown out of paradise by God for refusing to bow to Adam, but was forgiven and returned to heaven.
Another name for Malak Tawous is "Shaytan", which is Arabic for devil. This has led to the Yazidis being labelled as devil worshippers.
Their holiest site is Lalesh temple, situated in a valley in Nineveh Province. Yazidis are expected to make a pilgrimage to the temple at least once in their lives. Lalesh temple is the site of the tomb of Adi ibn Musafir, who is believed to be a descendant of the Peacock Angel, Malak Tawous.
IBTimes UK presents a gallery of photographs taken at Lalesh temple.

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