Pornhub offers free premium videos to women on their periods

- 'F**k Your Period is "an educational campaign championing various benefits of orgasming during the menstrual cycle".
- Menstruating women can access Pornhub premium's videos for the duration of their period.
Online pornography streaming site Pornhub has launched a new campaign to offer menstruating women free premium porn.
F**k Your Period is a new initiative by the company championing various benefits of having orgasms during the menstrual cycle. When women sign up they gain access to its HD on-demand streaming service for the duration of their period.
On its webpage, it says, "This is the moment of truth. You suffered long enough. It's time to
treat yourself to some sexual healing!"
In a statement issued by the company, Pornhub's brand manager Alexandra Klein said: "This is our first campaign targeted solely to women and it takes on a topic that we think a lot of brands tiptoe around but it's a topic that women themselves are completely comfortable discussing and even joking about. Pornhub is all about breaking taboos and starting conversations, and we think this one was way overdue."
Whilst some women have shared concerns about masturbating on their periods, it has been proven to alleviate symptoms. Climaxing can increase blood flow helping to relieve cramps as chemicals are released into the brain which act as a natural pain reliever, Medical Daily reported.
Female users interested in accessing the online videos are asked a few questions to determine the start and end date of their next period. When this arrives, Pornhub sends reminder emails of their offer - which is available for up to three months.
Alongside more information about the campaign, Pornhub's homepage shares helpful tips on easing menstruation symptoms such as moving around, cutting back on alcohol and caffeine including eating some pure dark chocolate which is believed to ease cramps.