A calf born with additional two legs in Switzerland has become a celebrity drawing media attention.
Seven-week-old Lilli in Weissenburg, Switzerland, defied all odds and survived after veterinarians predicted the calf would not survive at birth.
Lilli's owner farmer Andreas Knutti told the Swiss daily Blick that he could not bring himself to euthanise the animal because the calf was "so full of life."
He said Lilli would not be able to milk as she has a curve in her spine. The vet who predicted that Lilly would not survive explained that the mutation was a result of twin embryos growing into one animal, with the extra legs.
Lilli is not the only calf that stays healthy despite the two additional legs. A six-legged calf belonging to Bavarian farmer Maria Suttner was born in October 2007 and still lives healthy. Not just the calves but, several animals have been born with more than four legs or have two faces.
A cat in Massachusetts, US became the world's longest surviving animal with two faces. The cat which was born in 1999 has two mouths, two noses, three eyes and one brain.
Click here to take a look at Lilli, the six-legged calf
Also check below other animals that have been born with deformities:
Bavarian farmer Maria Suttner and daughter Franziska hold their calf, Lissy, on their farm in Hebertsfelden near Passau,Bavaria on 17 October 2007. Lissy the calf was born on October 10 with six legs.REUTERS/Michael DalderThis undated handout image shows a Massachusetts cat with two faces that has become the world's longest surviving so called "janus" feline at 12 years of age. The cat, who is named Frank and Louie, has two mouths, two noses and three eyes. Frank and Louie have one brain, so the faces react in unison.REUTERSA rare two-headed snake explores its surroundings in a private zoo in the Crimean town of Yalta on 8 July 2011. The three-year-old snake was brought from a zoo in Switzerland where it was born.REUTERSAn African spurred tortoise (Geochelone sulcata) with two heads and five legs is displayed in Zilina on 7 March 2011. The two-headed tortoise which was born in Slovakia was given two names Magda (left head) and Lenka.REUTERSA one-year old four-leg cock at the village of Katund i Ri, Elbasan district, 55 km southeast of Tirana, stands on its feet at the courtyard's fence on 25 March 1998. The Collaku family consider the cock as a saintly creature and secured their income asking for money from the visitors but did not accept to sell it.ReutersA five-legged piglet is seen at a farm in Lianyungang, Jiangsu province, on 5 August 2008. Experts attributed its condition to genetic variation, local media reported.REUTERSA six-legged Cambodian cow rests near the Cambodian city of Phnom Penh on 7 October 2003. The two-month old beast was named Cham Leck which meant "strange", was given to monks at a local pagoda by a farmer who feared the cow would bring him bad fortune.REUTERS