Star Wars Battlefront 2 mod adds Kylo Ren alter-ego Matt the Radar Technician
Mod introduces character from Adam Driver's viral Saturday Night Live sketch.

EA might have balked at the idea of Star Wars Battlefront 2 being able to alter the look of iconic characters - apparently nobody wants a pink Darth Vader - so modders have taken things into their own hands, adding 'Matt the Radar Technician' to EA DICE's big budget shooter.
Matt is a character played by Adam Driver in a 2016 episode of Saturday Night Live. In the skit, he plays Star Wars villain Kylo Ren going undercover as a low-level employee called Matt in a setup that apes reality TV show Undercover Boss.
He does so to find out what employees on the First Order's Starkiller Base really think about the troubled son of Han Solo, only Ren isn't very good at keeping his identity a secret.
The sketch went viral shortly after the release of The Force Awakens, which introduced Adam Driver's character. Anticipated sequel The Last Jedi was released last month.
The mod is a simple reskin of the original Kylo Ren model. It was made by GameTSF and is available only on the PC version of the game (sorry PlayStation and Xbox owners) and only in its co-op Arcade mode.
A description details that the mod replaces both the masked and unmasked version of Kylo, as well as altering some of the textures on the StarCard mods that players use to tweak and improve their characters.
It also grants Kylo Ren two new abilities: a Force Choke and Force Push.
Star Wars Battlefront 2 builds on DICE's work with 2015's reboot of the beloved Battlefront series, which was popular in the early-to-mid 00s, during the release of George Lucas's prequel trilogy.
The game has been embroiled in controversy regarding the way it originally intended to implement microtransactions, which coupled with a dreadful progression system riled up fans and caused EA to backtrack on its plans.
Microtransactions were removed from the game the night before its retail launch in November. EA has not announced how they will be brought back, in what form, or whether the whole idea concept will be scrapped.
Meanwhile DICE has followed through with its promise to release new maps, characters and items in batches. The first was based on The Last Jedi, and introduced the white-and-red planet of Crait, as well as characters Finn and Captain Phasma.
In other Battlefront 2 mod news, it turns out plenty of people, contrary to EA CFO Blake Jorgensen's comments, do want a pink Darth Vader.
Embedded below is a video showing off Matt the Radar Technician in action, tearing through Resistance fighters on the Takodana level in Maz Kanata's castle.