Guru Sewak Singh
Canada's stunning scenery, welcoming culture, and strong job market make it an ideal destination for Indians seeking a better life. Twitter / CISF @CISFHQrs

Indian federal police organisation recently arrested a 24-year-old man for trying to travel to Canada using fake documents. He pretended to be a much older person.

The Central Industrial Security Force (CSIF) revealed details of the arrest on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. "Vigilant CISF personnel intercepted a passenger bound for Canada involved in human trafficking & impersonation," the X post reads.

"The pax attempted to travel by impersonating an aged person and using false documents." According to NOW Toronto, the man was caught trying to board an Air Canada flight at Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport. He showed authorities a passport claiming to be 67-year-old Rashvindar Singh Sahota.

Man Caught Disguised as Senior Citizen For Canada Flight

A senior CISF officer told The Economic Times, "The man's appearance, voice, and skin texture seemed significantly younger than the details provided in the passport. Closer observation revealed that he had dyed his hair and beard white and was wearing glasses to appear older."

The man answered the questions by revealing his true identity and even displaying a digital copy of what he claimed to be his real passport on his phone. According to a report by The Times of India, his authentic passport identified him as Guru Sewak Singh.

The passenger was then handed over to Delhi Police for further investigation. Depending on the outcome, legal action under the Indian Penal Code could result in penalties ranging from a fine to imprisonment.

The motive behind Singh's impersonation remains unclear. However, authorities speculate it may be linked to recent trends of Indians seeking alternative pathways to Canadian immigration.

Surge In Indian Immigration To Canada

Following the US, Canada has become the second-choice destination for Indians seeking to immigrate. This popularity stems from Canada's attractive offerings: favourable immigration policies, high quality of life, and strong economic prospects.

While Canada presents significant benefits, navigating the immigration process can be complex. This is where immigration consultants can be valuable assets. They offer expertise and personalised support and ensure ethical and regulated services throughout the application process. Remember, choosing a reputable consultant can significantly smoothen your immigration journey.

It is worth noting that this desire to move to Canada remains even after Justin Trudeau accuses the Indian government of murder on Canadian soil. Maybe this situation will change if PM Modi successfully turns India into a developed country by 2047, as he promised.

Canada selects immigrants based on skills, education, and experience, offering pathways like Express Entry for qualified candidates. This makes the country an ideal destination for most Indian nationals. Here are the other reasons:

  • High quality of life: Renowned for safety, stability, and multiculturalism, Canada offers a high standard of living, healthcare, education, and stunning natural beauty.
  • Excellent education: Top-ranked universities, a reputation for academic excellence, and opportunities for international students make Canada attractive for higher education.
  • Strong economy: Canada boasts a robust economy with low unemployment, a stable financial system, and leadership in key sectors, providing ample job opportunities.

How to Legally Enter Canada

Canada selects immigrants based on skills, education, and experience, offering pathways like Express Entry for qualified candidates. There are several legal pathways to enter Canada. Let's explore them:

  • Consider consulting with immigration consultants to streamline your legal migration to Canada. Their expertise can assist you with the following:
  • Streamlining the Process: Immigration consultants guide Indians through the complexities of Canada's immigration system, ensuring they choose the most suitable program and navigate the paperwork effectively.
  • Personalised Support: Consultants offer tailored advice based on individual profiles, experiences, and goals, increasing the chances of a successful application.

Expertise and Compliance

Regulated professionals with in-depth knowledge ensure clients meet all requirements and navigate the process ethically.

Canada boasts significant benefits, but navigating the immigration process can be tricky. That's where immigration consultants come in. They offer expert guidance and personalised support, ensuring ethical and regulated services throughout your application journey. Remember, choosing a reputable consultant can significantly smoothen your immigration journey.