61 dogs and cats rescued from woman who kept them in 'filthy' and 'unsanitary' conditions
Police said that they had received 11 complaints about the home and the owner since 1993.

A Massachusetts woman is facing multiple charges after 61 dogs and cats were rescued on Tuesday (27 February) from an Auburn house described as "filthy" and "unsanitary" by the authorities.
The 67-year-old woman, whose name has not been released, owned the home where she used to breed and sell the animals. She faces animal cruelty and charges of operating a kennel without a license.
According to authorities, a person tipped them about the house and the Animal Rescue League of Boston, executed a search warrant at the Buron Terrace in Alabama, television station reported.
The home was deemed to be "unfit for human habitation" and authorities had to wear protective suits to go inside the home.
"It was extremely dirty. There was a very strong odour of ammonia, which is admitted from cat faeces and urine," Auburn detective lieutenant Scott Mills said. "It was a filthy, unsanitary environment."
Along with the dogs and cats, two litters of puppies and four litters of kittens were also rescued, WHDH television station reported.
"A lot of them had overgrown nails, matting, urine-stained fur," Auburn lieutenant Alan Borgal said.
"There were six kittens in very poor condition."
The animals were taken to undergo a health evaluation and have been placed in shelters in Boston and Auburn.
"I am in shock. I can't believe that many animals were in that house," Dolores Withers, a neighbour said according to CBS Boston.
According to police, it was not the first time they had to deal with the woman.
Since 1993, they have received 11 complaints about the home and the owner. Most complaints were about the woman selling sick animals to people.
According to WHDH television station, the woman's 70-year-old husband could also be charged with the same.
Auburn Police Detectives working together with the Town of Auburn Department of Development and Inspectional Services...
Posted by Auburn MA Police Department on Wednesday, February 28, 2018