Premenstrual mood disorder


  • Robyn Stein DeLuca is a health psychologist and argued PMS isn't real.
  • She said women were held back as a result of their portrayal as 'hormonal maniacs'.

American health psychologist Robyn Stein DeLuca appeared on Good Morning Britain today (1 December) and argued that PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome) was a fallacy. She said that the medically recognised illness was all in women's heads and contributed to their presentation as "hormonal maniacs".

In addition to this she claimed that while symptoms such as cramps are a real side effect of periods, changes in mood that are often blamed on PMS are simply an effect of women's environments and not a medical condition, much to the anger of female Twitter users.

Her opposition – author Helen Croydon – said she was on "dangerous territory" by suggesting it was a myth.

While one user angrily called her a "stupid woman", another claimed she didn't "have a clue". People shared their own stories and anger at DeLuca's comments.

DeLuca used post-natal depression as an example for her argument and said: 'When we see postpartum depression for example most people assume that's because of hormones, it's not. Research shows, study after study, that things like your relationship with your partner, what kind of support you have [while] taking care of the new baby – all of that is more important in predicting whether you become depressed."

The NHS's website page for PMS says the following: "Premenstrual syndrome is the name given to the physical, psychological and behavioural symptoms that can occur in the two weeks before a woman's monthly period. It's also known as premenstrual tension (PMT).

"Around 1 in every 20 women have symptoms that are severe enough to stop them living their normal lives. This is often the result of a more intense type of PMS known as premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD)."

In terms of treating it, they recommend lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise or, in more severe cases, therapy and hormone medication.