AI Guardrails
AI Guardrails

Few could have predicted the automobile's impact on society when it first rolled onto the streets in the early 20th century. Initially a curiosity, cars swiftly became indispensable, reshaping cities, economies, and daily life. Yet, this invention brought unforeseen challenges: traffic accidents, pollution, and the need for extensive infrastructure.

Today, the world is at a similar juncture to that of artificial intelligence (AI). In a short time, AI has transitioned from a futuristic concept to a crucial tool across industries. However, like the early days of automobiles, AI's quick adoption has unveiled significant risks, including privacy concerns, algorithmic bias, and hallucination dilemmas.

Businesses now know that comprehensive AI safeguards are fundamental requirements for responsible deployment. The leading AI control platform, Aporia, has developed Guardrails to address these challenges, guaranteeing safe and accountable AI interactions by intercepting, blocking, and mitigating real-time risks.

Mitigating Hallucinations

Hallucinations, particularly in Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems, threaten the reliability of AI applications. These hallucinations occur when AI models generate false or nonsensical information, potentially leading to misinformation and eroding user trust.

Aporia tackles this issue with its sophisticated detection engine. When AI outputs are monitored regularly, the system can identify hallucinations by comparing responses against known facts and contextual information. Upon detecting an issue, Aporia's Guardrails takes immediate action within less than a second, such as blocking the response, rephrasing it, or flagging it for human review. In turn, this reduces the risk of fabricated information reaching end-users.

Detecting and Preventing Profanity

Maintaining respectful and appropriate language in AI-generated also preserves user trust and brand reputation. Aporia includes advanced profanity detection capabilities beyond simple keyword matching to understand context and nuance in language.

The system employs natural language processing (NLP) techniques and machine learning (ML) algorithms to identify and filter out offensive language, hate speech, and inappropriate content in real time.

What sets Aporia's approach apart is its ability to adapt to language trends and consider cultural contexts. This way, the profanity filter remains practical and relevant over time. Through these guardrails, interactions within the organisation stay professional and aligned with brand values.

Restricting Off-Topic Discussions and Creating Custom Policies

Artificial Intelligence systems should be focused on intended tasks without drifting into irrelevant or inappropriate topics. After all, off-topic discussions can confuse users and undermine the credibility of AI applications.

For example, in educational settings, an AI tutor might start discussing unrelated historical events when asked about a math problem, leading to student disorientation and loss of study time. Aporia tackles this by executing detection mechanisms.

Using this contextual analysis, Aporia can discern when an AI response is off-topic and take corrective actions, such as redirecting the conversation to the relevant topic or flagging the interaction for human review.

Undoubtedly, the importance of AI reliability extends across any industry where inconsistencies could have consequences. While guardrails might be subtle, they are non-negotiables for any company that wants to maintain success when releasing any GenAI product.