A property listing is going viral due to the landlord asking renters to pay £750 to handle his Airbnb host responsibilities and sleep on a thin mattress in the living room.
Stealing items like cups and cutlery from restaurants has become a viral TikTok trend, but many are concerned about its implications.
McDonald's has launched a Minecraft Movie meal featuring collectables 'crafted for adults.' The meal includes special items and exclusive toys.
Tesla's Cybertruck faces a major recall of over 46,000 units due to adhesive failures causing exterior panels to detach, particularly in cold weather.
Apple has spent more than £3.8 billion a year on content since launching Apple TV+ in 2019 but trimmed it by around £385 million last year.
As part of Verizon's growing portfolio of financial services, Verizon + Openbank Savings enhances customer benefits beyond mobile and home connectivity.
The U.S. economy is projected to expand by 2.7%, whereas Europe is expected to see a more modest growth rate of 1%.
Dave Stever, CEO at Ben & Jerry's, was fired by parent company Unilever, escalating a conflict over the ice cream maker's social mission.
In June 2024, former customer and plaintiff Kristin Cobbs filed a lawsuit against Poppi challenging the company's advertising, claiming it was misleading.
A California jury awarded $50 million to a Starbucks customer burned by hot coffee, but UK laws would make a similar payout nearly impossible—here's why.
'There is a transition period because what we're doing is very big. We're bringing wealth back to America, and that's a big thing,' Trump explained.
Tesla's stock took a steep dive this week, tumbling 14% on Monday alone and extending its losses to 37% since 19 February.
After buying the Dallas Mavericks in 2000, Mark Cuban led by example, even working on the sales floor and cultivating a strong team culture.
Alibaba has unveiled its new AI reasoning model, QwQ-32B, claiming it outperforms rivals like OpenAI's o1-mini and DeepSeek's R1.
The deal also strengthens Scopely's portfolio, making it one of the few companies with two top ten mobile games alongside Monopoly GO.
Roomba maker iRobot faces financial uncertainty after its failed Amazon merger, prompting a strategic review despite launching new products.
Mark Cuban purchased the entire town of Mustang, Texas, for £15.44 million, revealing plans to transform it into a dinosaur-themed attraction.
Masterise Homes has showcased a full range of premium and branded residences on Christie's International Real Estate