Punxsutawney Phil is an American icon, the main attraction of Groundhog Day each year. Legend has it that if a groundhog sees his shadow on the morning of Feb. 2, winter will last six more weeks. Phil predicted six weeks more of winter.Reuters
Punxsutawney Phil is an American icon, the main attraction of Groundhog Day each year. Legend has it that if a groundhog sees his shadow on the morning of Feb. 2, winter will last six more weeks. Phil predicted six weeks more of winter.ReuterscamelsReutersNelly, the elephant predicted the winner in every German match in 2011 Women’s World Cup. Two workers at Germany's Serengeti Park in Hodenhagen were kicking a soccer ball during their lunch break and accidentally sent it flying into Nelly's enclosure. The young elephant immediately sent it soaring into the air and the zookeepers decided to test out her choices with soccer nets. Nelly had correctly predicted even Germany’s loss to Japan. The day before the game, Nelly heaved the ball into the German net, much to the dismay of her German keepers.ReutersPaul, the octopus from Weymouth, England. predicted the winners of every Germany’s matches in 2010 World Cup. Paul would be presented with two boxes containing mussel, each box marked on the outside with the team’s flag . He even correctly predicted Spain as the winner in the final match between Spain and Netherlands. He was retired after the 2010 World Cup, and died in October the same year.ReutersHarry the crocodile, picked Julia Gillard as the winner of the federal election in a snap poll in Darwin, Australia in 2010.The croc was given the choice of munching on one of two chicken carcasses - one tied to an image of the Julia Gillard and the other attached to a picture of Opposition Leader Tony Abbott. The crocodile opened its jaws and crunched down on the meat attached to Ms Gillard.fotonothing/CCCats can feel the coming of any misfortune that threatens their home and the people that stay with. A cat named Oscar in Rhode Island, United States detected when nursing home patients have just few hours to live. It has accurately predicted up to 50 deaths. The cat curls up next to the dying patients and also scratches at their door if staff try to stop him from being near them. In one case when nurses placed Oscar on the bed of one patient they thought was close to death, he ran out and went to another room. His judgment proved right as the other patient died that evening.YouTube/CTV StillU.S. poultry is still being given antibiotics banned by the FDA in 2005, according to a new study.ReutersScientists in China believe that snakes can predict earthquakes. They are said to be sensitive creatures and predict the earthquake five days ahead by banging the walls in order to escape.REUTERS/Aly SongA group of biologists were studying the mating habits of the common toad (Bufo bufo) in the L'Aquila province of Italy in 2009. Every year when temperatures warm, male toads gather at small ponds to compete for female toads affections. The biologists went to one particular pond every evening to count the toads and note whether they had laid any new eggs. A few days later the scientists noted that the toads had scattered and where there had been between 80 and 90 male toads in March, the first few days of April turned up fewer than ten. On April 6, a magnitude 6.3 earthquake hit L'Aquila province killing hundreds of people and were thousands injured.Reuters
Punxsutawney Phil's, the groundhog in Pennsylvania, U.S. has predicted winter for six more weeks. There had been instances where animals have been used to predict the future. While several people perished in the 2004 Tsunami, dogs, buffaloes, goats were all unharmed. There were reports that animals sensed tsunami long before people became aware of it.
From dogs to snakes, toads, cats, elephants, crocodiles, camels they predict natural calamities like tsunami, earthquakes, weather conditions, human deaths, political winners, football champions, super bowl champions and what not!