Anna Watson: Why She Refused to Take Anavar Steroid?Anna Watson/girlswithmuscles.c
Anna Watson: Why She Refused to Take Anavar Steroid?Anna Watson/girlswithmuscles.cWatson flexes her muscles with a friendAnna Watson/girlswithmuscles.c"I know that my identity is not in working out," Watson told the paper. "It's not who I am. It's not what I want people to see me as. Yes, on the outside, I'm a very fit individual, but when you get to know me, my life is not all about exercise and working out."Anna Watson/girlswithmuscles.cWatson is highly religious and only had her first sip of alcohol before her 21st birthday and that was at communionAnna Watson/girlswithmuscles.cWatson competed as a gymnast for 10 years before becoming a cheerleader in high schoolAnna Watson/girlswithmuscles.cWatson can reportedly bench press 155 pounds, squat 255 pounds and dead lift 230 poundsAnna Watson/girlswithmuscles.cShe apparently owns over 30 pairs of jeans, but only two of them still fit after all her workoutsAnna Watson/girlswithmuscles.c"I don't serve a modelling agent. I serve the Lord," Watson said of her decision to decline the lucrative contractAnna Watson/girlswithmuscles.cWatson eats over 3,000 calories a day to maintain her weightAnna Watson/girlswithmuscles.cWatson spends at least an hour and a half a day in the gym, six days a weekAnna Watson/girlswithmuscles.c
Anna Watson, a muscly cheerleader from the University of Georgia, has turned down a $75,000 (£48,000) modelling contract because she would have had to take steroids.
The university newspaper Red and Black reported that Watson, 21, declined an offer that she received for a fitness-modelling contract because she refused to take Anavar, a legal anabolic steroid that would have helped her gain up to another 50 pounds of muscle.
"I don't serve a modelling agent. I serve the Lord," Watson told the paper.
"I'm not going to compromise my morals and my beliefs just to take pictures. I believe that my body is a temple and a beautiful creation, so I don't want to put anything into it that can harm it."
Pictures of the football cheerleader, who is said to be the strongest female cheerleader in America, quickly began to circulate, with people seemingly shocked at the ripped physique of the sports science major from Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Click through the slideshow to see more photos of the cheerleader who has more buff than many American footballers.