Anonymous Name Police Officer Responsible for Macing Peaceful Occupy Wall Street Protester?
Following the release of a video allegedly showing a policeman macing a group of Occupy Wall Street protesters, Anonymous has released a slew of statements naming and shaming the officer caught on tape. Flickr

Following the release of a video allegedly showing a New York policeman macing a group of Occupy Wall Street protesters, Anonymous has released a slew of statements naming and shaming the officer caught on tape.

The video was one of three released on Anonymous' AnonOps website, allegedly showing recent incidents of police violence against Occupy Wall Street protesters.

The incident shown on the video saw officers corral and use pepper spray on a group of female protesters, seemingly without provocation.

Following the video's release two statements came up on Anonymous' AnonOps and AnonymousIRC Twitter feeds.

"Ohai Captain Anthony Bologna, enjoyed your macing? & How is it to be identified? #OccupyWallstreet," read the first tweet. "Call Mr. Bologna and ask him why he pepper sprayed innocent people? (212) 334-0611 #AnonOps #OccupyWallStreet."

The new tweets follow a slew of statements the Anonymous collective issued earlier in September indicating plans to launch a series of revenge attacks against law enforcement for its treatment of the protesters.

The new tweets all refer to incidents that occurred during Adbusters' ongoing Occupy Wall Street protest. The campaign began Sept. 17 when around 1,000 people rallied in Manhattan's Financial District.

The protesters have a range of complaints centering on Wall Street and corporate power over American policy.

At the time this article was written the police had not responded to Anonymous' tweets, making it difficult to verify the authenticity of Anonymous' information.

A live video feed showing the Occupy Wall Street protest as it happens can be viewed here.

UPDATE: The Guardian has issued a report claiming to have confirmed the identity of the officer in question.