Australian woman develops dementia due to mould infestation at home
As many as 25 percent of Australians have a genetic vulnerability to mould toxins.
A 37-year-old "perfectly healthy" woman developed dementia because of a hidden mould infestation in her house in Manly, New South Wales,
The woman, identified as Amie Skilton, had started having health issues soon after moving into her new house in 2016. She saw multiple doctors for months, but all her tests came out clean. Things had gotten so bad that she could not even remember her name.
"Some days I couldn't figure out how to get dressed. I would look at clothes and I just be really confused as to like how to put them on. I went to fill out a form one day and I was staring at the box that said my name and I was like what is it again?" she told the New York Post.
She was initially diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. "The first symptom that I noticed were allergies, chronic allergies, and I put on like 10 kilos (22 lbs.) out of nowhere," she said. Her brain function continued to decline over time, and doctors were unable to help her even after the aforementioned diagnosis.
However, one day she happened to see a Facebook post from a friend who claimed that her husband had a "mould gene" and that a leak in her flat just made the situation worse for her husband.
Skilton immediately contacted a building biologist to do an assessment. They discovered a water leak under their carpet and all the way into the bedroom and study. Even her mattress was covered in mould.
She got herself tested and found out that a prolonged exposure to mould had caused a "systematic breakdown" of her body. Skilton then went to see a neurologist who diagnosed her with type three Alzheimer's disease, also known as inhalational Alzheimer's.
It has been five years since the diagnosis, Skilton has now moved into a new house and is now working as a qualified mould testing technician. Her brain function is slowly coming back to normal.