Former FC Barcelona midfielder Xavi Hernandez has announced that he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus. Fortunately, he has also assured that he is feeling well and is self-isolating.

The 40-year-old legend currently manages Qatari club Al Sadd. He is asymptomatic and is taking the necessary safety precautions by staying in quarantine. He won't be joining Al Sadd as they finally return to competitive football following the delay caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. In an Instagram post, Xavi announced that David Prats will be managing the team while he recovers.

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Avui no podré acompanyar el meu equip en la tornada a la competició oficial. David Prats, entrenador del filial de l’@alsaddsc, ocuparà el meu lloc com a cap de l’equip tècnic. Fa uns dies, seguint el protocol de @qsl, vaig donar positiu en l’últim test COVID19. Afortunadament em trobo perfectament, però seguint el protocol, continuaré aïllat fins que ho hagi superat. Quan els serveis mèdics m’ho permetin, m’incorporaré a la meva rutina i feina diàries amb més ganes que mai. Agraeixo a totes les autoritats, especialment als responsables de @qsl, @qfa i d’ @alsaddsc per posar a la nostra disposició tots els mitjans per a una detecció precoç que eviti més contagis i garanteixi el desenvolupament normal de la competició. Una abraçada i ens veiem aviat als camps de futbol! ⚽ _____ Hoy no podré acompañar al equipo en la vuelta a la competición oficial. En mi lugar y a la cabeza del staff técnico estará David Prats - entrenador del equipo filial de @alsaddsc - Hace unos días y siguiendo el protocolo de @qsl di positivo en el último test COVID19 que me realizaron. Afortunadamente me encuentro en perfecto estado pero, siguiendo el protocolo, aislado hasta que lo haya superado. Cuando las autoridades sanitarias me lo permitan, me incorporaré a mi rutina y trabajo diarios con más ganas que nunca. Agradezco a todas las autoridades y en especial a los responsables de @qsl, @qfa y de @alsaddsc el poner a nuestra disposición todos los medios para una detección precoz que evite mayores contagios y garantice un desarrollo normal de la competición. Un abrazo y nos vemos pronto en los campos de fútbol! ⚽️

A post shared by Xavi (@xavi) on

In the same post, the former Spain international said that he found out he was positive for COVID-19 through a routine test conducted as part of the safety protocols being implemented by the Qatar Star League. Al Sadd is one of the competitors in the said league.

Xavi said that even though he feels fine, he will be following protocols and will be staying in isolation until such time that the Qatari health authorities allow him to rejoin his team. He also stated that when the time comes, he will return with more enthusiasm than ever.

In the same statement, he applauded the efforts that are being made by the league and the Qatar Football Association to mitigate the spread of the virus. He says that the authorities are doing what they can to help football return to normal.

The Qatar Stars League resumed on Friday after a four-month suspension just like most other professional sporting events. Al Sadd is playing against Al Khor without their manager on Saturday, July 25. They have five games remaining before the end of the season, and it remains to be seen if Xavi will be allowed to return in time to close the campaign. Al Sadd currently sits on third place in the league table.

Nevertheless, even if he does not manage to see his team through to the end of the season, He will have time to recover before the 2020-21 season begins. He recently renewed his contract to manage Al Sadd until June 2021.

Xavi left Barcelona to join Qatari side Al Sadd in the summer Reuters