'Black cab rapist' John Worboys could face fresh prosecutions as Met reveals it dropped 19 charges
Worboys is expected to be released imminently, but he could face further prosecutions.

Alleged victims of "Black cab rapist" John Worboys are ready to launch fresh prosecutions against him on his release, their lawyer has said.
Worboys is due to be released imminently after spending nine years and nine months in prison for 19 charges for drugging and sexually assaulting 12 women, and raping another woman.
He was caged in 2009 and in the following year London's Metropolitan Police said 102 women had alleged sex crimes against Worboys between 2002 and 2008, but many did not pass the evidential test.
After his trial 19 further alleged victims came forward but the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) advised that it would be in the public interest only to prosecute allegations of rape.
The Met say that they then dropped the allegations against the 60 year-old, but a number of women targeted by the black-cab driver may bring further prosecutions that could see fresh charges brought.
Richard Scorer, of Slater and Gordon, who represents eight of Worboys' alleged victims who were not included in the original criminal prosecution, told the Guardian his clients successfully sued Worboys in the civil courts, following the 2009 conviction.
The newspaper also reported that the CPS had dropped cases involving three other women, even though it assessed they "passed the evidential test", because there were sufficient counts "to enable the judge to impose an appropriate sentence".
The Met confirmed there is currently no live investigation into Worboys and in a statement said: "Liaison with the CPS continued post-trial, when the Met received allegations from a further 19 women. Each individual allegation was recorded and investigated.
"In June 2009 the CPS were notified of the additional complaints and they provided written advice in response. Each allegation was assessed by police against this advice and a decision was taken by police not to proceed. All 19 complainants were notified."
'If he still denies his crimes, then he clearly poses a continuing risk to women'
Scorer added that Worboys' contrition was crucial in a determination about bringing further crimes as in 2013 he applied to have his convictions reviewed by the criminal cases review commission.
"If he still denies his crimes, then he clearly poses a continuing risk to women," he told the Guardian.
"If he now admits that he deliberately and systematically drugged and raped women, then the police need to look at whether there are any crimes that he was not convicted of and seek justice for those victims."
One victim criticised the Parole Board's decision to release Worboys and complained they were not informed of the decision, telling the Telegraph: "Regardless of his parole conditions I don't think I would feel safe. It's a really sickening thought that he will be roaming the streets once again."