© Bogdan Redkin Founder at Fancy-Tech, Sr iOS Engineer

The mobile app market is probably the biggest driver of the digital economy in the last decade, and its growth is driving an increasing demand for new devices used for creative purposes. This kind of digital transformation was initiated by so many luminaries and experts who, while not all at once, seem to be in lockstep to try and revolutionise mobile technology to a level that would have been unimaginable just a few years ago.

The digital economy is closely linked to the creator economy, and it is essential to realise that creators are the SME sector that has experienced, is, and will experience the fastest growth. One indication is that in the next five years, the AppStore revenue share for the photo and video categories is projected to increase by 2.8% for photos and 3.2% for videos.

One of those initiating the revolution is Bogdan Redkin, a mobile technology expert dedicated to bringing mobile apps for photo and video editing to a better place than ever before. He is a figurehead and expert in mobile technology development, and his book, "Master Photo and Video Editing with Metal", is considered to explain his dedication and expertise in GPU-accelerated media processing. It is an area of mobile technology that provides valuable insights into what should be done to optimise mobile apps for industry professionals and aspiring mobile app developers. As someone with over 10 years of experience in the iOS app development sector, winner of the Telegram 2022 Contest, and co-founding CTO of Fancy Tech, Redkin's every opinion and contribution is valuable.

History of WOW Body and Fancy Tech App

WOW Body app is an iOS-based photo editing app focusing on body reshaping. The app was launched in 2020 by Bogdan Redkin and Victoria Redkin as a product of Fancy Tech, a mobile technology company founded two years earlier in 2018. A year after its launch, WOW Body already had no less than 150K users and a sales turnover of $40,000.

Over time, several features were added to WOW Body, such as AI-based background replacement, tattoo application, etc. Fancy Tech is a dynamic mobile technology company thanks to its policy of absorbing user aspirations and adapting to the latest developments. In 2022, another photo-editing tool, Tori, was launched, and just like WOW Body, it did not take long to gain many users.

Tori's advantage lies in offering personalised filters that meet users' specific needs. Tori supports both iOS and macOS ecosystems.

© Image by Tori Workflow

Analyse the Future of the Mobile App Market

Many smartphones are from many brands today, and new products are launched almost every month. There is a trend that the camera is the most upgraded part of the smartphone, which leads to the conclusion that the camera is the part that users rely on the most daily.

This conclusion is supported by the fact that most smartphone manufacturers spend about 30% of their latest product presentation sessions on camera upgrades. The question is, why do users pay more attention to their smartphone cameras? The most plausible answer is that they must look better on their social media accounts!

The number of smartphone users spending more time in the photo and video category is growing every year. To give you an idea, the last 10 years have seen the new global creator economy market today touch £83 billion ($104 billion) with a global mobile app sales turnover of £19.9 billion ($25 billion), with the majority coming from two categories: photo and video.

Why GPU Engineering Matters in the Global Mobile App Development Landscape


In the global mobile app development landscape, GPU engineering offers a new approach that results in shorter timelines and increased efficiency. GPU engineering offers seamless integration between operating systems and hardware to make a difference. In this context, the book "Master Photo and Video Editing with Metal" is one of the most valuable resources for anyone who wants to get more deeply involved in GPU engineering today.

Redkin's Book was Written to Fill a Significant Void in the Current Literature on Utilising the Metal Framework.

Today, most of the learning about Metal is focused on mobile game development and 3D rendering. Still, there is an increasing interest in learning about GPU-accelerated photo and video processing. Redkin's book provides a comprehensive guide, which can be considered the first of its kind, on the application of Metal in image and video editing.

Demand for Learning Materials on GPU-accelerated Photo and Video Processing Continues to Increase

The creator economy market tends to increase every year, and a big part of it is related to photo and video processing. The GPU engineering approach to photo and video editing technology is proven to produce better content in less time, so it makes sense that there will always be more content creators, considering GPU-accelerated photo and video processing important, and their need to learn is non-negotiable.

Today, GPU API is the key technology for handling photo and video processing, including graphics rendering, and Metal is the most popular framework.

Each chapter in "Master Photo and Video Editing with Metal" explains the application of GPUs to accelerate photo and video processing to a certain degree while including real-world scenarios related to the material. Understanding each chapter in the book is a significant first step for any serious content creator to enhance their capabilities in the vast and ever-evolving creator economy landscape.


From what has been written above, the increase in the mobile application market directly results from the rise in the creator economy. Furthermore, photo and video processing hold a large portion of the global mobile app market.

The app development landscape for photo and video editing is dynamic, and today, GPU APIs play the most crucial role in it, which makes the book "Master Photo and Video Editing with Metal" very relevant for every content creator who doesn't want to miss the trend. In the end, Bogdan Redkin has contributed to the global iOS app developer community.

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Alex Rivers is a contributing gaming and casino writer with a passion for exploring industry trends, game strategies, and insider tips.