Boris Johnson beats Nigel Farage in poll of most popular political pub landlord
More than one in five trusted the Foreign Secretary to pull pints at their local, YouGov says.
Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has beaten Nigel Farage, the beer guzzling former Ukip leader, in a poll of which politician would be the most trusted by the public to run a local pub.
More than one in five (22%) of those surveyed picked the top Conservative as their favourite pint puller, while 17% trusted Eurosceptic firebrand Nigel Farage to be a landlord for the day.
The YouGov poll for the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA), of more than 1,600 people between 14 and 15 July, also put new Prime Minister Theresa May on 10% and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn on 9%.
"While the poll is a bit of fun, it shows that in many cases running a pub requires a lot of the skills of a good politician," said Colin Valentine, the chairman of CAMRA.
"You need to be able to listen, to be diplomatic and be able to talk to a huge range of people and understand what they need.
"Pubs are the vital heart of our communities and the people who use them demand a lot of the people who run them – very similar to the demands we make on politicians. It's not just about running a business, it's running something which plays a huge part in the lives of the community around them."
The release of the poll coincides with the Great British Beer Festival at Olympia London. "I hope all politicians from all political parties realise the responsibility they have to help support the great British pub trade and also realise what a hard job publicans have to survive," Valentine added.
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