Cops called after party at Michael Gove's house turns into alcohol-fuelled chaos

- Daily Mail columnist Sarah Vine confiscated alcohol on the doorstep
- Michael Gove wasn't thought to be at the party
Police were forced to intervene at Michael Gove's home after a party filled with alcohol and "dodgy cigarettes", it has been reported.
Daily Mail columnist Sarah Vine, wife of the environment secretary, revealed the details after she had allowed her daughter to host a party at their family home.
Writing in her column, Sarah Vine said that despite a guest list and the use of bouncers, the party left a "trail of broken glass, cigarette butts and assorted liquids".
Her daughter was given permission to celebrate her 15th birthday party at their family home, something which Vine felt would give her more "control" over the event.
Vine revealed that prior to the party, she had banned alcohol, moving their own family supplies to another part of the home and away from the basement, where the celebrations would be taking place.
On top of this, there was a strict guest list "to discourage undesirables" from attending.
As an extra measure, she had also hired three student bouncers who were able to make sure no contraband was brought in and prevent non-guests from gaining entry.
Vine said that the party had started well, and she stayed in the living room while the shindig went on.
Up to this point, it was only her daughter and her female school friends who are in attendance. However, things started to change when the boys arrived.
They were "polite as you like. But once they got downstairs, all that changed."
She spotted one guest arrive in a coat, and when she demanded to see what was under it, she found and then confiscated a 3% alcopop.
As more people arrived, she was shocked to discover that the boys, under a gazebo in the garden were "plying the girls with drink and cigarettes" and "had a very clear agenda".
She confiscated several bottles of alcohol and also discovered a "very dodgy- looking cigarette".
Her daughter was at this stage "visibly upset", which was when Vine decided to take action.
The Mail columnist asked her daughter if she wanted the partygoers to leave, to which she reluctantly said yes.
Vine then "turned on the lights, switched off the music and began herding the boys towards the exit".
She noted that most of the attendees "went quietly, some of them even apologising," but others were reluctant to leave and Vine was forced to "physically manhandle" them out of the property.
It was at this stage that neighbours had called the police, who arrived at the scene as some of the partygoers took to the street to sing songs.
Michael Gove is not thought to have been at the house during the party.