Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 allowed the South Yorkshire Police to close a pub which was violating lockdown regulations. Police raided The Pitsmoor Hotel on Pitsmoor Road in Sheffield last Friday (24 April) to find pub goers hiding in the premises. The license owner had already been served a notice for keeping another pub open during the lockdown. South Yorkshire Police and Sheffield City Council are reviewing the license of the two pubs which have breached the regulations.

The licensing team of the South Yorkshire Police took notice of the illegal activities of The Pitsmoor Hotel when members of the public reported it. Concerned residents of the area informed the police that the pub was still serving customers. Investigating the reports, police officers raided the pub on the evening of April 24.

Upon searching the property, the police found a number of the pub's patrons hiding in cupboards. The discovery led the police to believe that the pub had been serving customers, ignoring government orders.

Empowered by the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020, the police shut down the pub. John O'Malley, Liquor Licensing Manager at South Yorkshire Police, confirmed the incident on the official South Yorkshire Police page. O'Malley pointed out that the incident was highly concerning, as the license holder had already been served a prohibition notice.

Before the raid on The Pitsmoor Hotel, police had shut down another premise belonging to the license holder. The Staffordshire Arms on Sorby Street was found to be violating COVID-19 lockdown regulations by serving customers. The license holder was served a prohibition notice for keeping The Staffordshire Arms open. The first notice did not deter the other establishment from remaining open.

Over the weekend officers along with @SheffCouncil served a #Sheffield pub with a prohibition notice after it was found to still be serving customers despite #COVID19 restrictions 🍺⛔️

You can read more here -

— South Yorkshire Police - #StayHomeSaveLives (@syptweet) April 29, 2020

Both the Sheffield City Council and the licensing team of the South Yorkshire Police are reviewing the license of both the pubs.

O'Malley stated that there are many establishments which are cooperating with the lockdown to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. The police are also looking into other reports of establishments which are ignoring safety guidelines.

Closed Pub
Patrons found hiding in cupboards of pub, violating COVID-19 lockdown. (representational image) CAMRA