Everything you need to know about the 10 May primaries in West Virginia and Nebraska

A week after the fateful 3 May primaries that led to two Republican presidential candidates dropping out of the race, the three remaining candidates will head to primaries in West Virginia and Nebraska. Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders will fight for 29 delegates in West Virginia, while the presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump will go unopposed in the two states.
As primary season crawls to an end, Trump and Clinton have largely turned their attentions to the November general election. However, Sanders maintains that the Democratic nominee has not yet been decided.
The two standing Democratic candidates will vie for 29 delegates in West Virginia, where Sanders hs been projected to pull off his 19th state win. Two recent polls by MetroNews and Public Policy Polling (PPP) show the Vermont senator leads ahead by four and eight points respectively. In the MetroNews poll, released on Friday 6 May, Sanders leads 47% to 43%. His lead is slightly larger in the PPP poll, which was released on Monday 2 May, 45% to 37%.
However, polls with such close margins should not be held as absolute. In the 3 May primary in Indiana, Clinton polled ahead of Sanders leading up to the race, but Sanders managed to pull a surprise victory by more than five points, claiming 52.7% of votes to Clinton's 47.3%.
Like most Democratic primary races, the delegates of the Mountain State will be allocated on a proportional system. Clinton is 155 delegates away from clinching the Democratic nomination with 2,228 delegates. Sanders, meanwhile, trails behind with just 1,454 delegates. Democrats need 2,383 delegates for the nomination and there are 1,083 delegates still up for grabs before the party convention in July.
Republican voters will have only one real option on Tuesday (10 May) when they head to the polls, with Trump standing as the only remaining GOP candidate. Despite not having any rivals in the upcoming two races, the bombastic real estate mogul was already polling ahead of Ted Cruz and John Kasich in West Virginia. No polls have yet emerged from Nebraska.
With imminent wins in the Mountain State and the Cornhusker State, Trump is poised to come that much closer to winning the GOP nomination outright before the party's convention in July. In West Virginia, Republican voters will partake in a delegate selection primary where they will be tasked with voting for their 34 delegates directly. In Nebraska, however, the state's 36 delegates will be allocated winner-takes-all.
Trump is the only remaining GOP candidate and likely Republican nominee. He is only 169 delegates short of the 1,237 delegates needed to secure the nomination. Trump's presumptive Republican nomination has created some strife within the party, with several leading GOP figures—including Speaker Paul Ryan—refusing to support him in the general election.
The primaries in West Virginia will open at 6.30am EDT/11.30am BST and will close at 7.30pm EDT/12.30pm BST. In Nebraska, polling locations will open at 8am CDT/7am MDT and will close at 8pm CDT/7pm MDT. The Republicans will next head to the polls in Oregon on 17 May, while the Democrats will face off in Oregon and Kentucky on 17 May.
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