Fake MP website gets socialist London art student reported to the police
Labour's Vicky Foxcroft described the stunt as "extremely irresponsible".

A left-wing university student has been reported to the police after setting up a website for a fake MP and fake parliamentary constituency, it emerged on Tuesday 1 August.
Ellen Kenyon Peers, 24, a supporter of the Socialist Party of England and Wales (formerly known as the Militant Tendency) and the Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC), reportedly made the site as an art project.
But the University of Goldsmith student has been criticised by real Labour MP Vicky Foxcroft, who represents Lewisham & Deptford, over the stunt.
"I have contacted the Security Operations Centre and it has been escalated to the police and Parliamentary Investigation Team," she told PoliticsHome.
"From a casework perspective I think this is extremely irresponsible. As an MP I deal with thousands of constituents with emergency cases, some of them about very serious issues on housing or immigration.
"If they were to attend the advice surgeries that have been advertised on the website, the details of which look to be copied from my own website, it would be breach of data protection and could cause harm and delay to constituent's cases - many of which are extremely sensitive and rely on urgent action."
A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police told IBTimes UK: "On Tuesday, 1 August police were made aware of a social media account purporting to be from a member of parliament. Whilst enquiries are taking place there are no offences at this time."
A House of Commons spokesperson said: "The designs and symbols of the House should not be used for purposes to which such authentication is inappropriate, or where there is a risk that their use might wrongly be regarded, or represented, as having the authority of the House.
"We are aware of this matter, and appropriate steps will if necessary be taken after it has been investigated by the Metropolitan Police."

Pledges on the of the fake 'Ana Key MP'
End Austerity
As a Socialist MP, I pledge to oppose all cuts to public services. I will never support cuts to the NHS, the selling off of council housing, a reduction in school budgets or benefit cuts. I believe in increasing funding in all these areas.
Affordable homes for all
I will fight to build 10,000 more council homes in Deptford and Greenwich, increase the required percentage of social housing in private developments to a 50% minimum, introduce rent caps on privately rented properties and end homelessness by ensuring those identified as homeless are moved into a 'Homes for All' scheme which includes specialist support for those suffering from addiction, poor mental health and unemployment as a result of losing their home.
No Wage Caps
In addition to opposing cuts to council budgets, I will fight to lift the wage cap on public sector workers, bringing their wages above inflation. I pledge to reject any council 'restructures' with the sole aim of decreasing staff numbers.
Poverty Pensions
I call for an end for poverty pensions that deny people a good standard of work despite their years of service. I am in favour of increasing the state pension and decreasing the retirement age for emergency service workers. The state's contribution to public sector pensions has fallen in real terms and this is unacceptable.
I will fight for a £10ph minimum wage, with financial support available to small businesses so they can continue to employ the same staff on an increased wage. I pledge greater support for technical colleges and more bursaries for those who wish to study at university. I pledge to work directly with higher education institutions to ensure school leavers have the support they need and that apprenticeships are given the same value as other forms of further education.
Save Our Schools
Schools have been hit hardest by consecutive Labour and Conservative governments. I pledge to reject plans for more grammar schools, reverse Acadamisation of schools within my constituency and cut teacher's working weeks whilst increasing wages. I will reject any more plans for additional testing of pupils. Teachers should be given more flexibility to determine their own curriculum and promise to speak up for teachers within the Commons.
I pledge to phase out OFSTED inspections in the borough in favour of a peer-to-peer scheme where schools learn from each other. I will work with Headteachers and support their return to class teaching, reducing their overall working week and encouraging them to spend more time teaching and less time administrating.
I fully support Jeremy Corbyn's call for free school meals but would also like to extend this to include in-house catering providing healthy meals for children rather than outsourcing to private companies who put profit before pupils.
Environmental Emergency
I will call for more funding for green energy and hope that Deptford & Greenwich can work towards becoming the first Carbon Neutral Constituency by installing solar panels and wind turbines on public buildings and schools, adding more safe cycling routes, banning taxis from idling with engines running and encouraging community anti-litter and gardening projects.
No more tax breaks for the rich!
I fully support prosecuting companies that do not pay their tax. Bullying corporations who threaten to stop doing business in the UK must be presented with an ultimatum. The UK is not a tax haven. Some of our own politicians are also guilty of avoiding tax and they must also be brought to justice.
Prison Reform
I will fight for prison reform nationwide. I believe that our prison system is broken and needs urgent reform. In order to reduce re-offending rates, I will campaign for a rehabilitation system which provides the support necessary for those who have been involved in crime to reintegrate into society. Many prisoners leave a facility with no prospects, no contact with family and no hope for the future - leading them straight back into crime. I will campaign for the introduction of rehabilitation centres which provide homes, jobs and medical support for offenders to ensure they do not end up behind bars again. This system is also cheaper for tax payers and benefits wider society.
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