Father of World Wide Web Says its a Shame People Are Now Nervous About Using His Invention
At the launch of the Web Index 2013 report, which aims to measure the web's contribution to development and human rights globally, the founder of the world wide web Sir Tim Berners-Lee outlined his reaction to the revelations coming from Edward Snowden in the last six months.
While Berners-Lee remains of the belief that the internet is a "tremendously positive force" he openly admits to the "seriousness" of the situation relating to the revelations made by Snowden.
Calling the government monitoring of citizens "insidious" and "chilling" Berners-Lee said:
"When you are being spied on by an oppressive government where they don't believe that you have the right to be able to go [online] and discuss with impunity [sensitive topics]; when you are being spied on; when maybe you have known people who have been taken off to jail in the middle of the night; that is pretty chilling."
You can read more here: https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/tim-berners-lee-government-spying-insidious-chilling-524481
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