Forget about Rock the Vote, it's all about Guac the Vote in taco trucks throughout Texas
The Clinton campaign launched a similar voter registration drive using taco trucks in Detroit.
With just a few weeks left until the presidential election, efforts to boost voter registration are at an all time high. A creative drive by the US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC), called "Guac the Vote," is using taco trucks to encourage taco lovers to fill out their registration forms while they nab a quick bite.
The effort began a few weeks back after Latinos for Trump founder Marco Gutierrez suggested that Mexican culture would permeate American life if left unchecked. "You're going to have taco trucks on every corner," Gutierrez told MSNBC on 1 September.
The comments in turned sparked the idea behind Guac the Vote. According to the New York Times, Houston designer Thomas Hull partnered up with Mi Familia Vota, a non-partisan group specialising in Hispanic civil outreach, to create the food truck voter drive.
"It was offensive to some," Hull said of Gutierrez's remarks. "At the same time, those of us who live here in Texas find it humorous because there are taco trucks on every corner and we love them."
Hull's project now has eight trucks registering voters in Houston. The drive is expected to end on 11 October.
Fellow Texan restauranteur Jose Valera of Tamale House East also joined the effort to increase voter registration in Texas' Travis County, Remexcla reported. "As a business owner, I want to stay apolitical," Valera told the Statesman. "But this is not a partisan push — this is a voter registration push, and something we'd like to turn into a voter turnout push. It'll be a success if we get 50 new voters."

The effort caught Democrat Hillary Clinton's attention as she looks to expand support for her campaign in the Hispanic community. CBS News reported that the Clinton campaign conducted a similar voter registration drive at eight taco trucks in Detroit, Michigan.
In Arizona, the Democratic Party has partnered up with 150 taco trucks to register voters. Remezcla noted that Mi Familia Vota aims to set the same effort forward in the key swing state of Nevada.
Despite the Democratic Party's participation in Guac the Vote and the USHCC's endorsement of Clinton, the effort is bipartisan. Javier Palomarez, the chamber's president organisation told reporters, "We will not be pitching a candidate".
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