Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony As It Happened
21:00: Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony

23:41: And with that, the opening ceremony draws to a close. It was eclectic and patiotic throughout, with Scottish stars popping up throughout.
Well that is about all we have time for on this live text. We'll have full coverage of the 20th Commonwealth Games from Glasgow across the next 11 days starting tomorrow, but until then goodbye.
23:36: The Queen speaks of wanting to strenghtern relationships within the Commonwealth before declaring the Games officially open. Fireworks go off around the stadium before piece of paper with messages of goodwill are sprayed across the athletes. Each of the messages was written by school children across Scotland.
23:33: Hoy passes the baton to Commonwealth Games president Prince Imran. The Prince, in an attempt to release the message from the baton, struggles before being helped by Hoy and handing the patchment to The Queen, who will now deliver the message.
23:30: This is the moment we learn who will pass the Queens baton to The Queen, who will open the Commonwealth Games. It is exchanged among a group, who run through the centre of Celtic Park before arriving at Andy Coogan, who passes it to his nephew Sir Chris Hoy.
23:21: First Minister Alex Salmond now speaks to Celtic Park, paying tribute to those who passed away in in flight MH17 and calls for a one minute silence, which is embraced by all in attendance.
23:18: Now an oath taken by an athlete, coach and official on behalf of who they represent. The ceremony is coming to an end.
23:15: Connolly ends by introducing singer Pumeza, who sings Freedom Come All Ye.
23:13: Comedian Billy Connolly appears on the big screen to pay tribute to Nelson Mandela, who passed away earlier this year. Glasgow were the first city to back his fight for equality by awarding him the freedom of the city 28 years ago.
23:10: The flag comes round the athletes sat in the middle before being presented before the pole which sits in the middle of the pitch area. The flag is then hoisted as Nicola Benedetti plays Loch Lomond. That's the moment you'll remember.
23:06: Big moment now, as the Commonwealth flag enters the fray. Against the backdrop of violin player Nicola Benedetti, Graham Randall, Kip Keino, Chantel Peticlerc, Ian Thopre, Shelley Ann Fraser Pryce, Nicol Davie carry the flag through the stadium.
23:00: Now, here comes Unicef's big moment. Sir Chris Hoy and actor James McEvoy ask the thousands inside Celtic Park and the millions watching at home to donate five pound to help change the lives of children acros the world. Having a look around the crowd, there aren't many phones out.
22:54: We have all the athletes but the entertainment doesn't stop there, as Rod Stewart returns for Can't Stop Me Now, a song for the athletes.
22:50: Scotland have brought the biggest team to a Commonwealth Games in their history, and you can tell as they packthe perrimetre of the pitch. Everyone inside Celtic Park on their feet, welcoming them to the Games. Nice moment.
22:45: Team Wales complete the European nations in alphabetial order, before the entry, all alone, of the host nation Scotland to the biggest cheer of the night. Flag bearer Euan Burton leading the way.
22:38: Here come the exceedingly well represented England team, all of whom are wearing chinos. No boosing for the English team either, which is good to see.
22:35: Colin Jackson presents the final Unicef appeal VT, featuring Sir Alex Ferguson, before the entry of the European nations. Team England, lead by Nick Matthew, are along any minute.
22:31: One of the best represented nations Canada are the next nation into the stadium, which is seriously begining to fill up. We get a glimpse of the Queens baton which has reached Celtic Park. Not far away from learning who will pass it to The Queen (I already know).
22:28: Now Nicole Sherzinger anchors the next Unicef promotional video to introduce the Americas. Nearly there kids.
22:23: Jamaica are the latest team to be announced to the crowd, minus Usain Bolt it should be said. Some outstanding moves being busted out there tonight. Meanwhile, those dancers around the centre keep going. Running on substances that are banned during Games competition, you would think.
22:15: Onto the Caribbean where we meet Radio 1 DJ Reggie Yates for the next Unicef video. One of the shorter sections on the way here.
22:09: Plenty of colour and personality from the African nations as we approach the half-way mark in the athletes parade. A word to the dancers who are around the perimeter of the chairs on the pitch. They're been going at it ever since the first nation was introduced. Haven't yet stopped. Good effort.
22:00: The latest Unicef video takes us to Malawi where Sir Chris Hoy leads the latest appeal. Our African nations are on the way.
21:58: No doubt at the moment that the Scottish terries leading in each team are getting as much attention as some of the athletes. One Tonga athlete has got the right idea however, displaying a Celtic shirt for the crowd to see. He can expect plenty of support over the coming days.
21:54: It's ceremonies like these that camera phones and ipads were made for really. Every other athlete has a smart phone or other to record or capture this moment of the opening ceremony. And as well they might, once in a lifetime stuff this.
21:52: Now to Oceania, and our first country Australia, led by cyclist Anna Mears. Must be said, the Glasgow crowd are giving each and every nation a very warm welcome. Team Scotland can anticipate one hell of reception.
21:50: Though this opening ceremony is being watched by nearly one billion people worldwide, your morning newspapers might be full of images of how far apart Tory leader David Cameron and First Minister Alex Salmond are sitting. To prevent you needing to pick one up, here's a good idea.

21:45: We have 71 nations to get through so this is naturally the part of the ceremony where everyone switches off somewhat. Pakistan are our latest Asia nation to enter the stadium.
21:43: So here is the first of those six Unicef video, which will attempt to drum up support for the huge donation later in the evening. A video will accompany the entry of the first country from each of the six regions within the Commonwealth. A message from former Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar before the entry of our next country, Bangladesh,
21:40: The first team enter the pitch, and it's the 2010 hosts India. Each nations will come in their region rather than alphabetically, with a Unicef video to accompany the final country from every region. Leading each team, ahead of the flag bearer is a Scottish Terrier.
21:37: The Athlete marshalls run down the stadium, bringing with them chairs. This comes prior to the entry of the athletes from the 71 nations. There is a dazzelng aray of colour as each marshall circles the centre of the stadium.
21:34: Now we see footage of the voyage of the Queens Baton, which has traveled around the Commonwealth and has now arrived in Glasgow. Adventurer Mark Beaumont arrives with the baton and heads towards the stadium.
21:30: The Queen is now being introduced to the aforementioned dignitaries before the signing of the national anthem insie Celtic Park. The Pipes and Drums play and exit towards the far side before two break off and have the stage for themselves, dancing to 'I'm Gonna Be (500 miles)'
21:26: Now time for the head of the Commonwealth, her Majesty The Queen, to be presented to the Glasgow crowd. She is driven in amid a fly-by from the red arrows over Celtic Park. The Pipes and the Drums of the Scottish Regiments led them in.
21:23: Time to welcome the first set of dignitaries to the Commonwealth Games in HRH Prince Imran, Lord Smith of Kelvin and Michael Cavanagh before Susan Boyle takes to the stage to sing Mull of Kintyre.
21:19: That Glasgow community pours out of the doors either side of the 100 meter stage and accompanies Amy McDonald, before she introduces Rod Stewart and his band as they continue to sing Rhythm of My Heart.
21:17: Now a piece on the people of Glasgow, which cuts to George Square and singer Amy McDonald, who duets with several members of the community. Not actors or professional singers this lot, but regular people from the city. From binmen to policemen.
21:14: Has to be said it's gone a bit mental out there, as you might expect when trying to cram an entire country's history in three minutes. Entertaining, if not chaotic. Now Karen Dunbar addresses the crowd as we see shots of Glasgow green and of the athletes outside the stadium.
21:10: Now some inflatable tyres and a tribute to the Lock Ness Monster, St Andrews golf course and Scottish shortbread. You can see where this is going, a not so serious look at Scottish history. A lot to be admired about doing that on this world stage.
21:08: A tartan bus carrying Barrowman across the stage is diving inbetween notable Scottish landmarks including Edinburgh Castle and the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Would be fair to say, the crowd are loving it.
21:05: We start with a countdown from 14, to donate the year 2014, with each of the numbers made by school children acros Scotland. Now singing from Karen Dunbar and actor John Barrowman as we enter the first part of the ceremony, Kingdom of the Scots.
21:03: Ewan McGregor addresses the crowd before the ceremony starts and repeats the Unicef pledge to have the entire Commonwealth unite for a single minute to donate to the Children of the World charity.
20:59: Just minutes away in Glasgow. Dry ice is slowly filling the arena before the big countdown.
20:47: We're less than 15 minutes away from the start of the ceremony, and the crowd are being warmed up by being asked to pronounce each name of the country from the Commonwealth. Much hilarity is ensuing but it's a little bit cringe.
20:21: The eagle eyed among you will have noticed one or two artifacts from Scottish culture, of sorts. A giant kilt is across the top corner, cans of irn-bru are towards the back while some Scottish shortbread is lying towards the left. All will be involved in a brief history of Scotland.
20:15: The pre-show for the opening ceremony is due to kick-off in around five minutes and until the start of the central entertainment at 9pm, it's time to delve into my deluge of Games facts to keep everyone entertained. The highlight of this evening, indeed of many opening ceremonies will be the moment the athletes from the 71 competing nations cascade into Celtic Park. Around 6,500 athletes will fill the floor in Glasgow, and they will remain centre stage for the next 11 days. For thoe not glued to the television or Twitter, here is an idea what sort of view I've got tonight.

Terrible, I know.
20:06: A very kind lady from Glasgow 2014 has moved me to a more comfortable seat at Celtic Park to continue my live text. The atmosphee is rocking, to borrow a cliche, with Mexican waves (they're allowed tonight) and the sound of bagpipes filling the arena. Very Scottish.
20:00: Just under seven years on from winning the Games, the 20th Commonwealth Games in Glasgow are ready to begin. Before the sporting action starts tomorrow, Glasgow has the chance to win our hearts with the opening ceremony at a sun-decked Celtic Park. We're promised a flavour of the city and the Commonwealth, entwinded with a few special guests but no doubt the pressure is on to beat what a stunning show in London at the Olympic opening ceremony. No doubt, Glasgow is up to the challenge.
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