GTA Online: New Rockstar Verified Jobs and Tips to Create Killer Deathmatches

Despite Rockstar's consistent efforts to remove RP and Money glitches in GTA 5's mutliplayer mode, GTA Online, players have always managed to find new methods to make illegal money.

The developer has tried throwing players into Bad Sport Lobbies, taking away their money and punishing them in other ways, but all that seems to have had little or no effect on players.

Posted by YouTuber 'witwix,' this legal method requires gamers to use the mission called Mixed Up With Coke to make as much as $18,000 per minute in rewards, plus 3,500 in RP.


1) At least one of the players must be Rank 45 or above so that he can access the mission.

2) Three more players can be called on for assistance to make the process easier and significantly quicker.

3) Two of the people involved must be above level 9 and the other two must be over level 19 so that grenades and sticky bombs can be used for this mission.


Once players have reached Rank 45, they will receive a call from Martin Madrazo, and will be offered the mission called 'Mixed Up With Coke.'

It happens to be rather simple and requires players to destroy four cocaine filled cement mixers in exchange for 18,000 GTA$ and 3,500 in RP.

The guide goes on to add that the mission might take players a little while to get used to, meaning that they will take more than five minutes to crack it the first few times.

However, once they are accustomed to it, they will be able to perform several runs of the same mission over in a very short span of time.

Watch the video below for a detailed explanation of how the method works.