GTA 5 PC Mods: Iron Man, Hulk, Batman and Terminator Mod gameplay revealed

Ever since the PC version of GTA 5 popped out into the gaming world, the GTA modding community has been constantly churning out a slew of mind-blowing mods including Iron Man Mod, Hulk Super-Strength Mod, Batman Mod and Terminator Mod.
Meanwhile, renowned YouTuber Typical Gamer has showcased some of these visually stunning mods in his latest gameplay videos for GTA Online and IBTimes UK brings you the best of the lot for your enjoyment.
Terminator Mod
The Terminator Mod is inspired by the popular blockbuster Hollywood movie series that is already a couple of decades old, with the fifth instalment titled 'Terminator: Genisys' proposed to make its initial release in Singapore on 25 June 2015.
The Terminator Mod for GTA 5 PC brings the pedestrian remodelled skin from the Terminator movie that portrays the exact some jacket, scarred face, the T-shirt imprints and the exact same physical appearance.
As Typical Gamer explains in his video, this version of Terminator Mod does not support invincibility (one can turn on invincibility with the trainer though) as the character is definitely mortal, although he enjoys some superior traits and special powers such as Super-Strength, ability to deploy grappling hook and more.
One of the character's superlative powers includes the supercharged Turbo System that gives extreme speed boosts to his bike or any other vehicle driven by him. It may be noted that the bike is a classic remodelled version from the movie.
As the YouTuber admits, the Terminator Mod has the best looking customised skin yet with realistic blood simulation pattern all over the skin along with added support for the nitrous oxide or the Turbo System.
This mod also allows you to shoot grappling hooks as you try jumping from one airborne plane to another like a Spiderman pole-vaulting across the buildings.
Not to mention, the Super-Strength power allows you to destroy a bunch of cars with a single kick, as they catch fire instantaneously.
Just watch the chaos as your character runs amok in the bustling city of Los Santos with his ill-gotten super-powers, thanks to the Terminator Mod.
Interested GTA 5 PC gamers may download the new Terminator Reskin Mod via and follow the instructions provided on the website to install the same on the computer.
Check out some exhilarating action including immaculately executed sky diving stunts, off-the-cliff bike stunts, deadly single-punch kills and more in the gameplay video below:
Hulk Mod
Along the lines of the Terminator Mod, The Hulk Mod brings you super-punch, super-kick, new car deformation, and grappling hook capabilities for your superhuman character, The Hulk, which is inspired by the classic action Hollywood blockbuster movie of the same name.
It must be noted that either a super-punch or super-kick will destroy the car instantly, while the deformation attack will only land critical dents to the body or breakaway some of the car's body parts, depending on the force exerted by your character in GTA 5.
As the YouTuber clarifies, you can also use the second version of the Hulk Mod with various customisations for facial and body skin textures. However, purists would admit that the first version looks more appealing than the second.
Check out the rest of action as Hulk takes on the military including the tanks, helicopters and more in the gameplay video below:
Iron Man Mod
The Iron Man Mod also features Super-Strength, Force Field (pick up and throw objects) and flying capabilities, alongside laser beams as well as rocket launcher powers.
As Typical Gamer explains, the first version of Iron Man Mod depicted in the video only supports Super-Strength, Force Field, grappling hook and flying powers, while the laser beam and rocket launcher capabilities are limited to the version 2 of this Mod, which is still under development.
Download GTA 5 PC Iron Man Suit Mod
Enjoy the rest of the action depicting the inhuman powers of Iron Man Mod in the gameplay video below:
Also check out this insane Iron Man Hulkbuster vs Hulk (GTA 4 Mod):
Batman Mod
Finally, moving on to the Batman Mod, Typical Gamer has showcased the Batman suit together with Batclaw, grappling hook, Force Field and also the Batman skin for the car.
The Batman suit looks extremely impressive and fully updated to match with its counterpart in the Hollywood blockbuster movie of the same name.
As the YouTuber admits, the Batman Mod allows extreme air-stunts and makes hijacking a plane easier than normal. In fact this feat has not been accomplished with other mods like the Iron Man, Hulk or the Terminator Mod.
Download Batman suit and Batman Claw for GTA 5 PC Edition
If you are still unconvinced about Batman's dare-devil capabilities, check out the Batman Mod in action, in the gameplay video below:
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