A new wave of deadly superbugs will be untreatable due to a rising resistance to antibiotics.
Posh Salt, also known as rock salt, is as harmful for health as regular salt, says a new study.
The UK has a size of 2.6 million patients in the waiting list, including non-emergency care patients.
A research, compiled by the BMA, has revealed that due to the restrictive internal environment in motor vehicles, smoke exposes drivers and passengers to 23 times more toxic than a smoky bar.
Scientists in Canada have discovered that an antibiotic normally used to treat skin and abdominal infections can also kill leukaemia cells.
On Tuesday, Tesco said it had apologised to Streeter and his family and was investigating into the matter.
A high IQ during childhood may be linked to drug use such as cocaine, cannabis and ecstasy in later life, according to a new survey.
The birds have been brought from their Russian Far-Eastern breeding grounds.
Pomegranate helps fight heart disease, relieves stress and improves your sex life.
Data from the World Cancer Research Fund suggests that incidence of oesophageal cancer in the UK is almost double that of the European average.
Data suggests that the area in England with the highest surgical rates also had the highest survival statistics related to lung cancer. Researchers therefore estimated that over 5,400 lives could have been extended, if every area in the country operated on the same number of patients.
Consumers have been warned not to eat Loyd Grossman Korma sauce, as it has been linked to cases of botulism.
People experiencing early signs of Parkinson's Disease could see their conditions improve through a process of regulating and re-training their brains to respond to certain activities and actions, claims a study.
Eating more fibre in the form of grains and cereals can reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer which is more commonly known as bowel cancer, a study published by the BMJ has said .
Tiny fish could be a key weapon in the world’s fight against nicotine addiction.
Researchers at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute have discovered an understanding on how the most deadly species of malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, invades human red blood cells.
Children with autism have larger than average brains and too many cells in a key part of the brain, according to a new study.
Bowel screening reduces the number of deaths from bowel cancer in Scotland by over 25 per cent, claims a study conducted at the Cancer Research UK.
A class of drugs used to treat breast cancers which overproduce a protein called HER2 could also treat other types of cancer - particularly head and neck cancers, claims a research at the Cancer Research Institute UK.
People who suddenly begin dieting and exercising to lose weight, while in a stable relationship, may be "preparing for the partner market".
Damaging a cell's nucleolus could eliminate cancer cells by raising the levels of a crucial tumour prevention protein, experts have said.
New double-decker pizza sold at Iceland contains 1,780 calories and has concerned health experts.
According to scientists, the universal flu vaccine - FLU-v - which recently completed a successful trial challenge, is expected to be available in the markets in between three and five years, subject to the National Health Service's (NHS) approval.
Research conducted at the University of Nottingham has revealed that cancer cells with faulty BRCA genes can be killed by blocking a key DNA damage-repair enzyme called APE1.
Gay men will be allowed to give blood after Government restrictions were officially lifted, but only if they haven't had sex with another man in the past 12 months.
A study funded by Cancer Research UK has revealed that cervical cancer in women in their 20s rose by over 40 percent between 1992 and 2006 in England, despite the overall incidence of cervical cancer falling by 30 percent.
Human rights groups have accused doctors of failing to document signs of torture in Palestinian detainees, reports the Guardian.
The British Medical Association (BMA) has welcomed the Health Select Committee's proposal to make new public health organisation for England an independent body.
Britain's public services will be brought to a standstill on Nov. 30, as the country's largest union, UNISON, votes in favour of strike action against public sector pension reforms.
A common anti-smoking drug, Champix, significantly increases the risk of suicide and should only be used as a last resort.