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UK Man First to be Mummified After Ancient Egyptians

Ancient Egyptian mummies are no more a thing of the past. In a first-of-its-kind scientific study, British scientists will attempt to mummify the body of a recently deceased Devon taxi driver. The project, intended to test out knowledge of a chemical process used 3,000 years ago by the Egyptians, will be carried out on the body of Alan Billis, 61, from Torquay.
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Excessive Texting Can Cause 'Text Neck'

Chiropractors in London are warning people that spending too much time gazing into the screens of your mobile phone or tablet computers could lead to a condition they are calling "Text Neck".
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Fair-Skinned People Need More Vitamin D: Study

A research conducted at the University of Leeds found that fair-skinned people who burn quickly in the sun may need to take supplements to ensure they get the right amount of vitamin D.