New research, sure to be controversial, finds that the hallucinogen psilocybin, the active drug found in "magic mushrooms," can benefit the personality.
Millions of pounds worth of fake drug and medicines have been seized across the wold, with over half confiscated in the UK.
In the UK, there are about 2,800 cases of cervical cancer a year and almost 1,000 deaths.Quite a number of studies have tried to establish the link between uncircumcised men and cervical cancer in women. It shows higher rates of cervical cancer in women who have had one or more uncircumcised partners.
A nicotine substitute which is available online for only 12p could help triple a smokers' chance of quitting cigarettes, according to new research.
A team of scientists, led by Dr. Claude Libert from Ghent University in Belgium, claim women have a stronger resistance towards infection and trauma, as well as a better immune system and resistance to cancer
Painkillers Can Increase Heart Attack Risk, Study
Women who drink four or more cups of coffee a today are less likely to develop depression, new research suggests.
The first ever NHS clinic targeted to helping so-called 'club-drug' has been opened in London.
A new breast cancer drug can bring a halt in the growth of cancer by five months while reducing the chances of other side effects, trial report suggests.
A new piece of research suggests that people who work with goats are at greater risk of contracting a rare form of lung cancer.
Singer Beyonce Knowles has launched a new perfume called "Beyonce Pulse," looking every bit the glowing mother-to-be.
Cynthia Williams, an obese lady whose life was saved by a gastric bypass surgery, has revealed how she is slowly bringing her sons to their deathbeds.
A teenager in Britain almost died in an extremely rare case of blood poisoning caused by her tampon.
A study conducted by scientists at John Hopkins University and Imperial College London have found a way of preventing HIV from damaging the immune system.
Twin Babies Born From Separate Uteruses ‘Shocks’ Mother. The chances are said to be one in five million but a woman in Florida has given birth to two babies from two separate uteruses
Two Babies Born From Two Separate Uteruses. The chances are said to be one in five million but a woman in Florida has given birth to two babies from two separate uteruses.
A team of British doctors have successfully separated twin girls born joined at the head, in one of the most intricate medical techniques ever performed in the the UK.
Declining Cancer Rates in U.S. Direct Consequence of Dramatic Fall in Smoking. The declining rates of cancer in America are the direct consequence of U.S cities becoming tougher on smokers. U.S citizens are now turning away from smoking and as a direct results U.S citizens are becoming healthier.
The World Health Organisation has revealed that there has been a significant rise in Europe of the rate of infections of TB. The WHO reports that there is a worldwide pandemic, killing 1.7 million people each year with 440,000 new patients being diagnosed with the disease around the world.
Diabetes Epidemic now Stands at 366 Million: Study
Apple iPad Test Could Detect Initial Signs of Alzheimer’s
A British woman's silicone breast implant exploded after she was shot in the chest during a paintball game. At first the woman thought she suffered a nasty bruise, but her doctor found otherwise.
Britain's abortion debate returned to the forefront after a Conservative MP pushed for a new rules on the advice that can be offered to women seeking abortions, charging certain clinics have a financial motive to encourage them.
The United Nations reported Monday that a deadlier strain of the bird flu virus had been discovered in the Far East.
Follwoing a warning issued on 26 August from The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency advising consumers to check packs of Nurofen Plus for packets of Seroquel XL 50mg, immediate fears began of a possible sabotage.
The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency issued a safety alert on August 26 warning consumers to check packs of Nurofen Plus after it emerged that thousands could mistakenly contain antipsychotic drugs.
Toxicology reports into Amy Winehouse cause of death have shown there were "no illegal substances" in her body at the time of her death revealed her family.
We spend a large proportion of our lives seated at our desks, staring straight ahead at a computer screen, surrounded by co-workers. If that thought leaves you feeling empty you may want to stop reading now, after new research revealed that an unfriendly or actively hostile workplace can significantly reduce your life expectancy.
Injuries caused by dogs have increased by five percent from last year, according to provisional figures from The NHS Information Centre.
Charla Nash, 57, revealed her new face in her hospital bed at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, which appears dramatically different with a new nose, lips and facial skin.