
New Cancer-Fighting Broccoli Hits UK Market

Researchers at the Institute of Food Research and the John Innes Center have developed a new broccoli, known as Beneforté, with capabilities to fight cancer. It is now available in the UK market.

Scientist Died of Cancer, Unaware of Winning Nobel Prize

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Ralph M. Steinman, 68, a professor at New York's Rockefeller University, died of pancreatic cancer on Spet. 30. What is particularly heartbreaking is that he never knew he had been awarded the 2011 Nobel Prize for Medicine! Steinman was acknowledged by the Nobel Foundation for his research into the human immune system.

Scientist Dies of Cancer Days Before Receiving Nobel Prize

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Scientist Dies of Cancer Days Before Receiving Nobel Prize. A Canadian born scientist who was yesterday awarded the Nobel prize for medicine died of pancreatic cancer just days before he would have found out that he had been awarded the prize.
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The Increase of Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer Cases Worldwide is Unstoppable.

Female Partners of Circumcised Men Face Lower Risk of Cervical Cancer

In the UK, there are about 2,800 cases of cervical cancer a year and almost 1,000 deaths.Quite a number of studies have tried to establish the link between uncircumcised men and cervical cancer in women. It shows higher rates of cervical cancer in women who have had one or more uncircumcised partners.
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Women Have a Stronger Immune System: Study

A team of scientists, led by Dr. Claude Libert from Ghent University in Belgium, claim women have a stronger resistance towards infection and trauma, as well as a better immune system and resistance to cancer
Babies born from double uterus

Two Babies Born From Two Separate Uteruses

Two Babies Born From Two Separate Uteruses. The chances are said to be one in five million but a woman in Florida has given birth to two babies from two separate uteruses.
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TB on the Rise in Europe: Everything You Need to Know About the Disease

The World Health Organisation has revealed that there has been a significant rise in Europe of the rate of infections of TB. The WHO reports that there is a worldwide pandemic, killing 1.7 million people each year with 440,000 new patients being diagnosed with the disease around the world.
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Proposed Measure Revives UK Abortion Issue

Britain's abortion debate returned to the forefront after a Conservative MP pushed for a new rules on the advice that can be offered to women seeking abortions, charging certain clinics have a financial motive to encourage them.
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Are Your Work Colleagues Secretly Killing You?

We spend a large proportion of our lives seated at our desks, staring straight ahead at a computer screen, surrounded by co-workers. If that thought leaves you feeling empty you may want to stop reading now, after new research revealed that an unfriendly or actively hostile workplace can significantly reduce your life expectancy.