Unlike chemical treatment, the herbal remedy does not have any side-effect.
Researchers say obesity raises the risk of cancer by 70 per cent.
The study came up with six shapes including butternut squash, carrot, apple, pear, broccoli and aubergines.
Researchers believe that when the patients have a low level of anxiety it will help them cope better with pain and recover quicker.
Weight loss surgery helps reduce blood sugar levels of overweight, type 2 diabetes patients than advanced medical treatments for the disease, a new study has revealed.
Born as men these glamorous transsexuals make a name for themselves as women.
Our fond or fearful memories can be recalled or remembered.
TB continues to disproportionately affect those in hard to reach and vulnerable groups, particularly migrants and the homeless.
This year's theme is: Eliminate TB in My Lifetime.
Health minister appeals for calm as H1N1 virus returns to Indian states of Maharashtra and Rajasthan.
Working people who live alone take more anti-depressant pills.
Researchers found that aspirin reduces the chances of tumours spreading to distant organs by about 40-50%.
Binge drinking and obesity fuel rise in deaths from liver disease, according to new report.
Sex research study reports number of women sustaining orgasms during gym sessions without help of partners, toys, or any direct sexual stimulation.
Almost a year after marrying William, Duchess of Cambridge praises 'inspirational' Treehouse Children's Hospice in Ipswich.
Parking rates at hospitals affiliated to the National Health Scheme in the UK has seen a constant rise with some hospitals charging 200 per cent more than the rates applicable a year ago.
IBTimes reporter Nick Edmondson tries gait analysis and proper shoes before London Marathon.
Six reasons you might want to start imbibing some of your homemade amber nectar.
Damming report by consumer watchdog based on harrowing diaries kept by elderly detailing neglect and poor treatment.
Up to one billion people are projected to die due to tobacco use in the 21st century, warns a WHO report.
US schools are allowed to stop serving pink slime meat for school meals following a public outcry.
Cancer sufferer believes urine has healing properties.
Uterine rupture is a life-threatening complication in which the wall of the uterus tears during pregnancy.
UNICEF's World Water Week, to be held from March 19 to March 25, is expected to create awareness and find donors and volunteers to identify and support the cause of providing water to the 780 million people who don't have safe drinking water.
Powerful hallucinogenic drug may help beat drinking addiction, study finds after re-examining old lab trials.
Eating five portions of fruit or vegetables improves the skin tone, according to researchers.
Check out the top 10 classy gadgets that enhance a woman's wardrobe, besides making a style statement.
Study reveals 10% drop in number of premature babies born in Scotland after smoking banned in public.
Methoxetamine, said to be a safe alternative to Ketamine, might be banned in UK after two people were found dead, reportedly due to its consumption.
The New Year is well under way and already many well thought-out New Year's resolutions have already fallen by the wayside. As per usual, the number one resolution for Britain this year is to lose weight.