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The surface of the red planet in front of the Mars rover is seen on December 26, 2013 (L) and on January 8, 2014. NASA said the mysterious appearance of a doughnut-sized rock in the interim was probably a result of the rover moving the rockREUTERS/NASATwo female geese honk in support as two male geese, Fanfarina and Govani, battle in a traditional goose fight at the local soccer field in Shuto Orizari near Skopje, MacedoniaReutersA worker inspects the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro after lightning strikes damaged the figure's head and its right handReutersPuppeteers from the War Horse theatre production operate Joey, the star of the play, in a capsule on the London Eye to mark their 2,000th performanceReutersA man stands near a power pole that fell over due to the weight of accumulated ice, in Kraszkow near Ostrowiec Swietokrzyski, southern PolandReutersCui Deyi attempts to sit in a hut made of ice for 48 hours as he takes part in a cold endurance challenge in Changsha, Hunan province, ChinaReutersRobert Burck, also known as the Naked Cowboy, performs during a snow storm on Times Square, New YorkReutersIcicles hang off the licence plate on a taxi in Times Square during a snow storm in Manhattan, New YorkReutersA man sleeps on a conveyor belt under an American Airlines logo at John F Kennedy International Airport in New York after a winter storm grounded 3,000 flightsReutersThe remains of a car lie on the bottom of the Almaden Reservoir near San Jose, California, where Governor Jerry Brown declared a drought emergencyReutersA shepherd walks with his flock of goats along the banks of Mahanadi River in Cuttack district, near the eastern Indian city of BhubaneswarReuters/Men run on ash during the eruption of Mount Sinabung volcano near Gamber village in Karo district, in Indonesia's North Sumatra provinceReutersA bead of sweat drips from Rafael Nadal of Spain during his men's singles quarter-final tennis match against Grigor Dimitrov of Bulgaria at the Australian Open 2014 tennis tournament in MelbourneReutersA demonstrator wearing a mask uses a pair of binoculars during a rally held by pro-European integration protesters in KievReutersA model presents a creation by Stephane Rolland as part of his Haute Couture Spring/Summer 2014 fashion show in ParisReutersArchitect Yvonne Farrell from Grafton Architects poses inside her installation for the 'Sensing Spaces: Architecture Reimagined' exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts in LondonReuters