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The Gulf of Mexico and US Gulf Coast at sunset is shown in this image taken by astronaut Terry Virts on the International Space StationTerry Virts/Nasa/ReutersA hole drilled into the surface of the Red Planet by Nasa's Mars rover Curiosity, which has found carbon-containing compounds, the first definitive detection of organics on the planetNasaWaves crash against a sea wall in San Francisco Bay beneath the Golden Gate BridgeRobert Galbraith/ReutersSoldiers shout as they train in temperatures of about minus 30 degrees Celsius in Heihe, Heilongjiang province, ChinaReutersTwo Siberian tigers play in the snow at Nanshan Zoo in Yantai, Shandong province, ChinaGetty ImagesA diver wearing a Santa Claus costume feeds a sunfish at the Hakkeijima Sea Paradise aquarium in Yokohama, JapanYoshikazu Tsuno/AFPKate Middleton, wearing a blindfold, is helped to ice a cake by Fynley Gooch, aged 7, as she promotes disability awareness at the newly established 23rd Poplar Beaver Scout Colony in east LondonBen Stansall/AFPA makeshift memorial featuring Lindt chocolate bears, an apron and personal message from the staff of Sydney's Lindt cafe to former manager Tori Johnson, is seen on the pavement near the cafe in Martin PlaceJason Reed/ReutersFlowers are left at Martin Place in Sydney, site of the siege in which 33-year-old cafe manager Tori Johnson and 38-year-old Sydney barrister Katrina Dawson lost their livesJoosep Martinson/Getty ImagesWomen mourn their relative Mohammed Ali Khan, 15, a student who was killed during an attack by Taliban gunmen on the Army Public School in PeshawarZohra Bensemra/ReutersIndian schoolchildren light candles ahead of a vigil in the northern city of Jalandhar, as they pay tribute to Pakistani schoolchildren and staff killed in an attack on an army school in PeshawarShammi Mehra/AFPA monk lights lamps in commemoration of Tsongkhapa, the founder of the Gelug sect of Tibetan Buddhism, in Lhasa, Tibet Autonomous RegionReutersA large menorah is lit in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin to celebrate HanukkahCarsten Koall/Getty ImagesJewish men gather in Moscow to mark the start of Judaism's festival of light, HanukkahDmitry Serebryakov/AFPA miner pushes a bathtub loaded with coal out of an illegal coal mine near the Bosnian town of VitezDado Ruvic/ReutersA burnt lamp is seen inside a damaged house in the Duma neighbourhood of Damascus, SyriaBassam Khabieh/Reuters