The American Revolutionary War started in 1775 and ended when the British were finally defeated on 11 April 1783 – more than 231 years ago. Amazingly, some of the men who fought in the war lived long enough to have their photographs taken.
Some of the men were alive in the 1860s, allowing them to be photographed using early techniques such as daguerreotypes which became popular in the preceding decade.
In 1864, Reverend EB Hillard published The Last Men of the Revolution, a 64-page book of photographs of six Revolutionary War veterans and their stories. Photos of other veterans have since emerged.
John Gray was born on 6 January 1764 and died on 29 March 1868, aged 104. He is a confirmed veteran of the American Revolutionary War, though he served for only six months.United States Library of CongressDaniel F Bakeman was born on 9 October 1759 and died on 5 April 1869, aged 109. Although he couldn't prove he had served in the war, he was granted a Revolutionary War pension in 1867. In 1772, at the age of 12, he married Susan Brewer. Their marriage, at 91 years and 12 days, is the longest claimed on record.John Kitts was born on 7 May 1762 and died on 18 September 1870, aged 108 years, 4 months and 11 days. He was a member of the First Pennsylvania Regiment of the Revolutionary War.FindagraveLemuel Cook was born on 10 September 1759 and died on 20 May 1866, aged 106. He joined the Continental Army at the age of 16 and received an honourable discharge signed by George Washington on 12 June 1784. He lived long enough to see the end of the American Civil War.Samuel Downing was born on 30 November 1761 and died on 18 February 1867, aged 105. It is thought he enlisted towards the end of the Revolutionary WarAdam Link was born on 14 November 1761 and died on 15 August 1864, aged 102. He joined the Army in 1777 and served for five years on the frontier in Virginia.Alexander Milliner claimed to have served in George Washington's Life Guard when interviewed in 1864 by the Reverend Elias B Hillard for his book The Last Men of the Revolution. Later investigations showed that he served as a drummer boy and was ten years younger than he claimed to be.Daniel Waldo was born on 10 September 1762 and died on 30 July 1864, aged 101. He was a clergyman who served in the American Revolutionary War and later became Chaplain of the House of Representatives.