iOS 8/iOS 8.1 Untethered Jailbreak: New and Updated Jailbreak Tweaks

The untethered jailbreak for iOS devices powered by iOS 8-iOS 8.1 is available for a month from now. Along with the availability of the jailbreak, jailbreak tweaks and apps developers have updated their tools. With each passing day, the developers are bringing new customisations for the new iOS 8 features.
Check out the following new and updated jailbreak tweaks and apps for this month, shared by iDownloadBlog.
New jailbreak tweaks
AllBoardPass (Free): The free Cydia tweak allows you to use third party keyboards in passcode fields.
AlwaysGreen: This is also available for free. The tweak makes the battery icon green while charging.
BootUp (Free): It adds Respring, Reboot, Shut Down and Safe Mode toggles to the Settings app
Brightness Activator Pro 2 ($0.99): It adjusts brightness according to Activator actions.
CCBringUpSwitcher (Free): It replaces Control Center with App Switcher.
CCLiveBrightness (Free): It hides Control Center while adjusting brightness from Control Center.
ColorReachability (Free): You can customise or remove the background when Reachability is enabled.
Everest ($0.99): The tweak lets you to access media controls with an Activator gesture.
FavBox Lite (Free): It improve DropBox's app offline management.
IMN ($1.99): It extends Quick Reply and Quick Compose to third party apps including Kik and Facebook Messenger.
Keep Secret ($0.99): It prevent message senders from seeing when you kept and audio and video message for them.
MorePredict (Free): With this tweak you can add more suggested words to the QuickType bar of the stock keyboard.
NOCCMediaControls8 (Free): It removes media controls in the Control Center.
NoOrientationStatus (Free): As the name suggests, the tweak hides the orientation lock icon in the Status Bar when orientation lock is enabled.
NoRecentlyDeleted (Free): Disables the Recently Deleted album from the photos app.
Notate (Free): Disables Home screen rotation on iPhone 6 Plus.
ShadowBoard (Free): Adds a shadowy effect to app icons.
SnooScreens ($0.99): It sets your wallpaper based on the subreddit of your choice.
SocialDuplicator 2 ($1.99): You can clone the social apps in order to use multiple accounts.
Stepper 2 ($1): Shows step count on Lock screen and Status Bar.
StopAlarm ($1): Lets you to Stop or Snooze alarms from the Lock screen.
UpNext ($1.49): Queue up songs in the stock Music app.
WeatherBoard ($2.49): It brings live weather animations to Lock and Home screens.
Updated tweaks
iTouchSecure ($4.99): Use Touch ID for passwords system-wide.
Messages+ ($7.99): This app is a replacement for the stock Message app, with Quick Compose and Quick Reply.
PhotoAlbums+ ($2.99): It improves the Photo app.
QuickMusic 2($1.99): Provides quick access to music controls with a stylish interface.
Remote Messages ($3.99): This is a remote browser front-end for iOS 8 messages.
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