iOS 5.1 Jailbreak: Using Redsn0w 0.9.10b8 to Backup Your iPhone's Unlock Activation Ticket [GUIDE & VIDEO]
We may recall earlier reports suggesting the baseband unlock feature was limited to specific basebands and firmware pertaining to any carrier unlock. The latest revelations, however, confirm that all basebands and firmware versions can be carrier-unlocked, as long as the device is already jailbroken, according to Cydiahelp.
Users who have unlocked their iPhones using SAM are required to save their unlock tickets before the bug-in activation server is patched by Apple. Quite aptly, the iPhone Dev Team released a new version of Redsn0w 0.9.10b8, which enables users to quickly create a backup of their activation tickets and save them on the hard drive.
According to the tutorial detailing steps for SAM unlock, users required to manually backup activation tickets; a process made easier with a one-click method courtesy the Redsn0w patch. The new version 0.9.10b8 includes the ability to backup/copy arbitrary directories or files in .zip format on your Mac or PC, thanks to the efforts of Loktar_Sun and Sam Bingner, minus the involvement of the iPhone-Dev Team.
However, this is what the iPhone-Dev Team had to say about the update:
"Update #3: redsn0w 0.9.10b8 adds the ability to backup arbitrary directories or files from your device into a zip file on your Mac or PC. The new button is Extras>Even More>Backup and it requires your device to be jailbroken with the afc2 service enabled (most jailbreaks include that). By default it will backup your activation records from /var/root/Library/Lockdown, which is useful for everyone taking advantage of today's SAM unlock using Loktar_Sun's trick (more on that in a later post!).
Update #3b: The 0.9.10b8b update to Redsn0w makes the zip files more compatible with the native Windows explorer (which doesn't like leading slashes in the filenames)."
Meanwhile, check out this short three-step guide:
Step 1: Make sure your device has the afc2 service enabled. Most jailbreaks like Redsn0w and Corona include it by default. If not, you can grab it from the ModMyi repository in Cydia.
Download RedSn0w 0.9.10 beta 8 for Windows
Download RedSn0w 0.9.10 beta 8 for Mac
Step 2: Run Redsn0w, click Extras > Even More > Backup
Step 3:Leave the default directory for "backup path" untouched and then click OK. Redsn0w will save off a timestamped zip file of your /var/root/Library/Lockdown directory to the same location where RedSn0w is installed on your computer.
Watch the Video Tutorial Below for Visual Assistance: [Credit: iDownloadBlog]
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