Kevin Spacey's estranged brother calls the actor 'worse' than their Nazi rapist father
Spacey's brother, Randall Fowler, also revealed the former had a creepy relationship with their mother.
Kevin Spacey's estranged brother, Randall Fowler, has made some new revelations about the House Of Cards actor, after revealing that he was raped by their "Nazi" father, Thomas Fowler, throughout his adolescence in his autobiogtraphy that came out in October 2017.
In an interview with The Sun, Fowler opened up about Spacey – who is facing abuse allegations by several men – and called him worse than their abusive father. He told the outlet: "I heard Kevin checked himself into some sex addiction clinic - well excuse me but you're in the wrong building. It's far more serious than that.
"Kevin was a king on his throne but he has now been dethroned by all these allegations; taking advantage of people using his wealth and power," he continued.
"All my life I thought I had protected Kevin from my father and it turns out it's all for nothing because he's worse than my father, The Creature. He's worse because he had wealth and power and with that you get influence," Randall said of his brother. "The first few chapters of my book slice Kevin a thousands cuts but this is the truth. This is how child abuse affects people and if Kevin doesn't like it too bad."
In the book, entitled A Moment In Time, Randy documented years of abuse in which his father – whom he refers to as "The Creature" – beat him and emotionally abused him.

In the interview, the 62-year-old accused the mother of being compliant. The brother of American Beauty actor said, " He would push me up against the wall and sodomise me. My mother would be banging on the door saying 'What's going on in there? And he'd have his hand on my neck telling me to shut up and she'd just walk away.
"This was happening two or three times a week. I always thought I saved my brother from him but since all these allegations have come out against him I have started to wonder whether he was abused too. But seeing as though he never speaks to me I'll probably never know," he added.
Randy, who lives in Boise, Idaho with his partner Trish, goes on to claim Kevin had a creepy relationship with their mother Kathleen. According to him, six months prior to her death, she pleaded to Spacey to buy him a plane ticket to come see her, but he refused.
Finally just before she passed he bought a ticket for Randy to come and say his goodbyes. However, Randy could never have a conversation with their mother about the abuse.
"By then my mother was in a vegetative state so I never got to resolve anything or have the conversation about my abuse - Kevin stole that from me. When he finally let me come I remember I was sat next to her and he literally pushed me out of the way because he didn't want me next to her - he was so clingy and jealous."
Calling Spacey and his mother's relationship "disturbing, he told the outlet, "You know their relationship was very strange - there have been rumours floating round the family it's not just something I speculate on. She used to hang all over him like a cheap suit, it was disturbing."