Lathmar Holi Celebrations: Why do Indian women beat men with sticks and shower them with colour?
- Women are known to playfully beat men with sticks as part of Lathmar Holi tradition.
- Men are taunted and forced to dress up in women's clothing and dance.
- The festival is celebrated a few days before the Hindu festival of colour, Holi.
In the neighbouring towns of Barsana and Nandgaon near Mathurain the state of Uttar Pradesh, Hindu locals celebrated Lathmar Holi yesterday. Translated into "that Holi in which [people] hit with sticks", the festival originated from the story that Lord Krishna (a major Hindu deity) visited his love interest's village and teased her friends. In retaliation, a host of women chased him away - a tradition repeated to this day.
Usually celebrated a few days before the Hindu festival of Holi, Lathmar Holi is known for women throwing sticks at men and forcing them to dress up and dance in women's clothing.
IBT UK explored this year's celebration which looked as vibrant and as joyful as expected.

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