With the "League of Legends" Season 13 set to arrive by mid-November, the developer is releasing a new update that will bring a few changes to the game ahead of the season's start. As usual, there will be some tweaks to a few champions and the introduction of a brand new champion in "LoL" patch 12.21.

'LoL' patch 12.21 release date

"League of Legends" patch 12.21 will go live on November 2, 2022. However, there will be differences depending on the region.

The upcoming "LoL" patch 12.21 will start rolling out on Oceanic services at 10 AM AEDT, according to Dexerto. Meanwhile, it will roll out at 3 AM PT for North America (NA), 5 AM GMT for Western Europe (EUW), 3 AM CET for Europe Nordic & East (EUNE), and 8 AM KST (Korea).

Players are reminded that there will be a few hours of downtime once the update starts. Meanwhile, matchmaking queues will be offline three hours before the scheduled updates.

'LoL' patch 12.21 champion rebalancing: Miss Fortune and Blitzcrank nerfed

The "League of Legends" patch 12.21 will also introduce changes to some of the champions ahead of preseason. However, Developer Matt Leung-Harrison clarified that the changes won't be too drastic as they are "only addressing significant outliers that aren't overly affected by the changes."

For instance, Miss Fortune and Blitzcrank are in the nerfs column as they're a bit overpowered recently. As a result, the developers have decided to tone down some of their buffs and abilities.

'LoL' patch 12.21 champion buffs

On the other hand, some of the "weaker" heroes will receive buffs with the arrival of the new "League of Legends" patch. For instance, Ahri, Corki, and Xin Zhao will all be getting general upgrades. Meanwhile, Rumble and Malzahar will receive some "last hit assistance" with their damage-over-time skills.

New Champion K'Sante

As previously reported by IBT, the "LoL" patch 12.21 will introduce a new champion called K'Sante. He is also known as the Pride of Nazumah, an uncharted region of Shurima that players will soon be able to explore.

Nazumah's residents are used to fighting as they've battled against monsters for centuries as the location contains the only water source for miles. "Now, 500 years later, this new champion leads the warriors of Nazumah to hunt those same monsters, using the rare resources they gain to build their infrastructure and weapons," Riot said.

Gamer Soumil Kumar/Pexels