Malaysia Airlines Plane MH370: Relatives Erupt in Fury Over Death Certificates

Distressed relatives of the passengers on missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 have expressed outrage over the suggestion that they will be sent death certificates for their loved ones, without any "conclusive proof" as to how they died.
The move has plunged the Malaysian Government into further embarrassment after a recent opinion poll showed more than half of Malaysians believe officials are hiding the full truth about the plane's disappearance on 8 March.
They have no right to attempt to settle this case with the issuance of death certificates and final payoffs
"We, the families of MH370, believe that until they have conclusive proof that the plane crashed with no survivors, they have no right to attempt to settle this case with the issuance of death certificates and final payoffs," said a statement from the United Families of MH370 group.
MH370's disappearance has been described as the aviation industry's biggest-ever mystery, and despite a huge international search no trace of the missing aircraft has yet been found.
Malaysian officials have now called for a review into the satellite data, which indicated the plane crashed in the Indian Ocean.
Families remain unconvinced by the data analysis provided by British satellite communications firm Inmarsat, pinpointing the search area about 1,000 miles north-west of Perth, and want hard evidence to prove its claims.
"They have failed to share why they would accept a single source [Inmarsat] for analysis utilising a never-before-attempted method, as their sole grounds for determining that the plane is under the water and all lives lost," the families said.
Investigators are exploring the possibility that the plane landed or crashed at a remote location.
A source close to the search told the Daily Express: "The thought of it landing somewhere else is not impossible as we have not found a single piece of debris that could be linked to MH370.
"We may have to regroup soon to look into this possibility if no positive results come back in the next few days...but at the same time the search mission in the Indian Ocean must go on.
"The thought of it landing somewhere else is not impossible. However, the possibility of a specific country hiding the plane when more than 20 nations are searching for it seems absurd."
Malaysian authorities are hoping that neighbouring countries will provide more crucial satellite and radar data. Only partial data has been released in fear of countries compromising their own national security, the source added.
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