'Mass Effect 3' Ending: Disappointed Fans Campaign 'Operation Tsunami' against BioWare This Month
It has been almost three months since 'Mass Effect 3' (ME3) officially hit the stands, however, BioWare's attempts at silencing the critics seems to have gone down the drain.
It has been almost three months since Mass Effect 3 (ME3) officially hit the stands. However, BioWare's attempts at silencing its critics seem to have gone down the drain. The disappointing ending to the famed sci-fi action trilogy (ME3) triggered various movements such as the delivery of over 404 cupcakes to BioWare's office in Edmonton, Alberta.
Although the hype surrounding the release of the finale for the video-game trilogy has subsided, the release of multiplayer DLC packages has stirred up further controversies. The next in a long line of campaigns and protests is "Operation Letter Tsunami" and has been initiated by gaming Website - Hold The Line (HTL). It encourages fans to send letters and postcards to vocalise their thoughts.
The details of the operation are revealed in an events page on Facebook, created by Yesika Reyes and Krista Hauser, who are members of the gaming Web site.
"In an attempt to create a more resounding impact, they [HTL members] will be sending all the letters/postcards to their respective initiatives during the same date," the Facebook page reads, adding, "Rest assured, we will not be sending these to a company mailroom but directly to the desks of key figures behind BioWare and EA like Dr. Ray Muzyka and Michael Lawder respectively."
Participants in the campaign will be offered five options, when the event finally starts on 11 May.

The first option sends an email to Electronic Arts (the game's publishers) "explaining what is at stake". Writers are asked to quote any statistics they can regarding EA's drop in share prices and threaten a boycott of products from EA and BioWare.
The second choice allows fans to send a letter to their friends, explaining why they should not buy ME3 or other games from EA and BioWare.
The third allows players to send a letter describing the problems individual gamers are facing - concerning the products and company practices - to the companies, with a self-addressed and stamped envelope for a response. The letters, the Web site urges, should focus on what fans find missing in the game and what should be added.
The fourth option involves sending photographs, drawings and anything related to children of gamers. The idea is to indicate that the ramifications of what happens in the gaming industry today will affect future generations and it is therefore critical to shape industry standards and practices in a better way.
The final option involves sending postcards to simply voice opinions on the game's ending and general practices by EA and BioWare.
"This one is a bit special, use the guide and Blueprint E below on how to send this postcard," reads the Facebook page.
This campaign by HTL follows a "call to arms" late April post to rally the community of gamers.
"This is the time where each of us can help," reads the post, "You won't have to be able to draw a perfect Garrus nor will you have to code a new ending, what we ask of you is that you help by sending letters and postcards."
"We want to send letters and not just some letters," the post added, continuing, "We want enough letters to fill the entire building. Many people have great ideas for the letters. Rather than just pick one and limit the choices, we will send them all. We will send postcards. We will send POV letters. We will send artwork. We will send them all."
The whole problem started with a less than perfect ending to Mass Effect 3, when fans claimed the finale did not accurately represent the important decisions made by the players through the whole series.
Incidentally, EA was recently voted the "Worst Company in America".
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