Today's holiday was created to emphasize that cellulite is completely normal and is nothing to be ashamed of. 90% of women have cellulite, and it is something that should be embraced and loved as it is present in all body types and is just one of those facts of life you gotta roll with.

National Cellulite Day is all about remembering to be authentic and accepting oneself. Cellulite is a very common, harmless skin condition that causes lumpy, dimpled flesh in various parts of the body.

However, some beauty marketing schemes have capitalized on presenting cellulite as problematic, ugly marks that need to be covered up, usually with expensive products and treatments. When it's actually the opposite! Cellulite is natural and harmless, some dermatologists even say that cellulite is just a secondary sexual characteristic

If you're guilty of being ashamed of having cellulite in the past, then celebrating this day is perfect for you. Here are 3 surprising facts about cellulite you should know to help you be able to embrace your authentic self more amidst all the seemingly picture-perfect ladies you see in advertisements nowadays.

Cellulite is not fat.

Cellulite may be linked to fat, but they aren't fat particles in themselves. Cellulite is just the bumps that occur when fat is divided into tiny pockets in the skin. As fat cells increase (and this is due to many reasons such as sudden weight or muscle gain), they push up against the skin. When the tough, long connective cords are pulled down, the uneven surface or dimpling created is what is often referred to as cellulite

Weight affects cellulite.

All women, regardless of shape, size and weight, can get cellulite. overweight women are most susceptible to cellulite. Cellulite can be affected by weight loss, but losing weight will not remove cellulite. Once a fat cell develops, it will never go away.

Be kind to yourself. Do not overexert yourself, especially if it's just to remove what you think are unsightly marks on your body. Losing weight and strengthening the muscles in the legs, buttocks, and abdomen may make cellulite less noticeable, but it will stay there. What's more important is that you have a regular exercise regimen and a healthy diet.

If having cellulite is a major problem for you, maybe try changing your clothing. Compression-style clothes like leggings or elastic bands on underwear can contribute to the appearance of cellulite.

There is no permanent fix to cellulite.

Scientists are still figuring out how to fix cellulite for good, but there remains to be no permanent solution. What has been discovered is that cellulite can be avoided by decreasing one's use of hormonal contraceptives and coffee intake.

Your diet can also play a factor. It is important to have a well-balanced, healthy diet every day, and certain food like cauliflower, cucumbers, watermelon, and radishes have been discovered to be able to fight the appearance of cellulite.

Cellulite Ron Lach/Pexels